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Chiropractor Available For Back Pain In New York, NY

December 27, 2019 – – New York, NY based Better Health Chiropractic PC is pleased to announce that they recently became a trusted partner with Restorative Medicine: IV Therapy. This partnership will allow patients to receive some of the best holistic medical care possible by bringing a number of practitioners with more than two years of experience to a single location.

Better Health Chiropractic hopes that this new partnership will open up new doors in terms of the types of services they can offer their New York patients. The partnership is expected to give Better Health Chiropractic and their patients access to a greater range of treatment options as well. Read more about the practices and their new partnership here: Chiropractor Back Pain New York NY.

Better Health Chiropractic offers holistic treatment, which means their procedures are meant to target the whole body. “I would say this practice, if we were to describe it in one word, would be integrative medicine. It is where we integrate all different forms of healing, whether it’s traditional Western medicine or Eastern medicine, such as acupuncture, meditation, yoga, or other forms of treatment, as an exercise, chiropractic care,” says Dr. Alex Eingorn of Better Health Chiropractic.

The chiropractic center integrates all the different methods of healing that have been documented, tried and tested around the world into a single, holistic treatment regimen to treat not only the specific problems a particular patient may be complaining about but also their entire body. At Better Health Chiropractic, it is their belief that one must treat the whole body in order to treat any particular problem. The alternative healing center sees issues in one area as a reflection of issues throughout the body.

Many complaints that patients have may stem from a badly aligned spine. Misalignment of the spine can seriously affect the central nervous system and block or confuse important information that is sent throughout the body. Using all natural alternative treatments, Dr. Eingorn can successfully treat a wide variety of different issues, including back and neck pain, migraines, herniated disks, autoimmune conditions and much more.

“The term ‘alternative’ means it’s something other than mainstream,” Dr. Eingorn states in an interview. “Alternative medicine has traditionally been referred to for things like acupuncture, chiropractic and other natural ways of healing that are not traditional mainstream medicine. As we know, medical doctors are mainstream in America, and everybody else is then considered alternative. Well, things are changing. Today, alternative medicine is actually no longer alternative. It is becoming more and more mainstream. Things like chiropractic care, acupuncture, mind-body medicine, complementary medicine, functional medicine and so on are becoming more and more commonplace in the healthcare arena.”

Dr. Eingorn practices something called complementary medicine, which involves combining traditional medicine with alternative treatment methods. As Dr. Eingorn says, “Complementary medicine, again, was coined as treatment that would complement traditional medicine as we know it in America. For example, if a patient requires mitigation, or drugs or some type of surgery, complementary medicine would be something like physical therapy, exercise therapy or nutrition therapy. Those are all complementary to the mainstream treatment.” Learn more here: Chiropractor Scoliosis New York NY.

Dr. Alex Eingorn is a highly trained chiropractic practitioner who has, through years of practice, developed a deep respect for medical science. His practice offers a number of alternative treatments for all kinds of spine related issues. He has spent his medical career incorporating holistic methods of healing into his practice and, as a chiropractor, has been labeled a pioneer in New York City due to his integrative approach to medicine, which is becoming recognized more and more across the nation as a safer, more effective form of treatment.

A number of patients have been quite happy with the results of the treatment they received from Dr. Eingorn, and many of them have left 5-Star reviews on Google Maps. One such 5-Star review from a patient named Aviram Turgeman states, “I have been a patient of Dr. Eingorn’s for many years now. I used to go to the old location on 53rd and 7th Avenue. The new location just off 5th Avenue and 46th Street is great; I am always greeted nicely by the receptionists and they are very flexible with appointment times. Dr. Eingorn has done wonders with my back. I am pain and surgery free after a herniated disc!”

Anyone in search of an accomplished chiropractor can read all about Dr. Eingorn and his practice online at his practice’s website and other online resources. More information can be found here as well: Chiropractor For TMJ New York NY.


For more information about Better Health Chiropractic PC, contact the company here:

Better Health Chiropractic PC
Dr. Alex Eingorn
2 W 46th St Ste 806, Rm1 New York, NY 10036

ReleaseID: 60033164

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