Classically Claire Launches Fashion Blog with Trendy Twist

A new fashion blog, Classically Claire is launched to offer the latest information about new trends in personal and home fashions.
Sacramento, United States – July 8, 2015 /MarketersMedia/ —
Fashion has found a new darling as the Classically Claire Fashion Blog launches. This blog, created by fashion professional, Claire Warner, contains a trendy twist which will leave fashion fans engaged and eager for each new post. While Claire shares the most up to date fashion ideas for personal fashion and home styles, she is also sharing inspiration about never settling for the status quo. Instead, through her own adventures, she illustrates how the most important fashion statement to make is to follow one’s own dreams for a holistically beautiful life.
In the true fashion of Yves Saint Laurent’s sentiments, “Over the years I have learned that what is important in a dress is the woman who is wearing it”, Claire adds substance to the fascinating styles highlighted throughout this fashion blog’s pages. Her adventures are chronicled along with insider information to the season’s hottest fashions. For instance, a featured article about the Fourth of July, which includes a red, white, and blue ensemble.
Writer Claire Warner, comments, “While Classically Claire is a blog that centers around my own life and style, there are many people involved in helping me with this endeavor. Many of my friends and family have played an integral part as well, through taking my photos for me, helping me with the technology side of things, and overall providing me with so much support!”
Rachel Zoe, remarks, “Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.” To help others create their own creative expressions, Classically Claire includes tips and suggestions for updating personal and home fashions. Shopping is also available through the fashion blog to make it quick and easy for readers to purchase the most up to date and fashionable accessories.
About Classically Claire: With a B.A. in fashion, Claire Warner, from Sacramento, California has created the “Classically Claire’ fashion blog to document her favorite fashion trends for personal and home styles and much more. Shopping is available at this blog along with a peek inside this fashionably conscious professional’s life. While reporting on cutting edge trends in fashion is a highlight of this blog, offering inspiration to pursue dreams is the underlying tone of every post.
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Contact Info:
Name: Claire Warner
Organization: Classically Claire
Release ID: 86327