CMS Social Announce New Prices For Their In Demand Facebook Marketing Services

June 01, 2015 – – CMS Social, a Florida based marketing firm that specializes in social media, has announced that their Facebook marketing services provide companies with the satisfaction of consistent high-quality content at lower price than most competitors. The Miami Company offers a breakdown of Service Features on their website.
The Facebook Marketing Services were brought to life by CMS Social in an effort to help businesses monitor, update, and respond to consumer comments on their Facebook accounts without taking the time away from other work projects that may need their attention. The pricing is considered highly affordable for the ongoing services being provided, and the company has suggested that if a business were to create a new hire position for this purpose, they would spend far more on a monthly basis for salary, benefits, and training alone.
Not all pricing options are the same, as CMS Social allows their clients to choose from a selection of social media packages, each with its own benefits. To take a closer look at the price points and plans available, the company urges businesses to view their package overview at This provides greater insight into the variety of advantages made possible such as content posting to Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, and LinkedIn along with customer service for $129 per month. For more management over Facebook in particular, CMS Social also offers a more Facebook oriented package with customer interaction and comment monitoring for $209 per month. They describe it as follows:
“Five (5) days per week, Monday thru Friday between the hours of 7am to 7pm PST, we will monitor and respond to all relevant Likes, comments, and messages left on your Facebook page. Any messages we feel are important will be forwarded to you to either respond yourself or provide us a response to post on your behalf.”
The science behind the service is that with most of the world utilizing mobile devices, laptops and computers to check social media nearly once every hour, the chances of increasing brand recognition grows when businesses get their names onto these platforms. This seems to be the theory that drives CMS Social to continue providing their services at increasingly competitive rates. They have said that with social media connections being long term goals rather than short term successes, these services should be used over a long period of time to create the desired effect with consumers. They state:
“Social media is a relationship-building tool and relationships cannot be rushed. Social media marketing takes a long-term commitment and you will not see results overnight. Longevity and consistency is the only way social media works to help produce your business leads – yes, leads not sales or money.”
The company believes that social media is a tool, which when used properly, can build lasting relationships between consumers and businesses. It is promoted as an inexpensive way to build a brand from the bottom up by allowing followers to share and like content, spreading it to friends, family, and colleagues in a more modern version of word of mouth marketing. The concept covers a large range of industries across the globe, including everything from law firms to retail chains.
Contact CMS Social:
Matt Gronbeck
555 NE 15th St, #200
Miami, FL 33132
ReleaseID: 60001345