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Co-parenting Class Provides Help For Family Lawyers

December 27, 2019 – – Houston, Texas based Co-Parenting Into The Future says that online co-parenting classes can help lawyers in their interactions with their clients. Following a divorce, many parents are quite clueless as to how to navigate the world of co-parenting and often turn to their lawyer when they cannot communicate with their ex-spouse. In such cases, the parent needs the lawyer to tell them that it is okay to change times, force a drop-off location or alter the written agreement in some way.

Lawyers, however, usually have little to no training or experience as counselors and this makes the whole situation a lot harder to deal with most of the time. But by recommending co-parenting classes to their clients, the company asserts, attorneys can help divorcees build up the skills and knowledge needed to find their feet in the world of co-parenting.

Lawyers have found that referring their clients to co-parenting classes empowers their clients to take care of their own issues. One client spent the day contacting her attorney over and over looking for help with parenting issues, according to the company. The parent was avoiding mediation and wanted to go to court in order to make her ex-husband agree to her demands. The client was encouraged to attend a co-parenting class and emerged with a full plan for caring for her child alongside her ex-husband. “I took responsibility for my role in our relationship dissolving,” says the client. “I saw where I could change, and it left me being a mom first and foremost. I started to see what [her ex-husband] was seeing and how he wanted a relationship with our son. In fact, it shifted from ‘my’ son to ‘our’ son. Once I saw that, drafting and following the parenting plan became simple.” The mediation ended up going smoothly, and the calls to the lawyer stopped.

Co-Parenting Into The Future offers co-parenting classes aimed at helping parents improve their parenting whether they are simply looking to become better parents or trying to figure out how to go about being parents after a divorce. “While it may seem impossible at this moment, it actually is possible for you to create a world after divorce in which you get along with your former spouse for the sake of the children you have together,” says Co-Parenting Into The Future. “You can have support in co-parenting alongside your ex-spouse for the benefit of your children. This is exactly the promise of the Co-Parenting Into The Future online parenting course.”

They continue, “While there are other parenting classes for divorce available, you will learn ways to move on from your relationship with your former spouse in this unique, interactive and highly engaging course. You will develop techniques for becoming a powerful co-parent so that your children get the best parental support possible. These online co-parenting classes do not need to be taken with your ex in order to be effective. Similarly, while we recommend that both parents take the class and discuss the insights and tools you have learned with each other, you do the work of the class by yourself.” The course can be found online at https://coparentingintothefuture.com/.

The online co-parenting class helps divorced parents find a comfortable way in which to communicate and raise their children together. For the sake of one’s children, it is important to establish open lines of communication after a divorce, during a separation or in the face of relationship issues. The course can help divorcees navigate the new and unfamiliar territory that is co-parenting and help them ensure a great upbringing for their children.

One parent who participated in the course says, “I am happy I found this course and would highly recommend it. My life would have been far better had I watched this prior to my first marriage and divorce. Now that I am going through my second, it has really opened my eyes. I feel much more empowered to ensure my children have the best opportunity to reach their full potential in life even with this horrible life event called divorce.”

Find out more about the course on their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/coparentingintothefuture/. Interested parties may contact Co-Parenting Into The Future to learn more as well.


For more information about Co-Parenting Into The Future, contact the company here:

Co-Parenting Into The Future
Martha Sasser
(832) 643-5908
4544 Post Oak Place, Suite 258, 77027 Houston, Texas USA

ReleaseID: 60033183

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