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Conference Calls for Peace, Security and Sustainable Development in East Africa

Seattle, Washington, USA, 07/21/2015 /SubmitPressRelease123/

Zanzibar, Tanzania: On July 21st – 24th, 2015, the Global Peace Leadership Conference (GPLC) will be convened at the Melia Hotel to examine innovative interfaith and youth engagement approaches to addressing identity-based conflict. This GPLC is being co-convened by the Global Peace Foundation, along with the East Africa Community, the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar, and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development. Other partners in this significant gathering include the Interreligious Council for Peace Tanzania, ZAYEDESA, and the Clouds Media Group.

The first-of-its kind conference in Zanzibar will be hosted by H.E. Amani Karume, former president of Zanzibar. The effort is backed by the Africa Leadership Mission of former African presidents including: H.E Kenneth Kaunda, founding president of Zambia; H.E Amani Karume; H.E. Joyce Banda, former president of Malawi; former Nigerian president H.E. Olusegun Obasanjo; the founding president of Seychelles, Sir James R. Mancham; former Zambia president H.E. Rupia Bwezani Banda; GPF Africa Patron, Dr Manu Chandaria and other top government, religious, business to youth leaders from the East Africa region and continent of Africa. They will develop strategies to reduce conflict, build social cohesion, and promote ethical governance through moral and innovative leadership.

“Our task, promoting peace, security and sustainable development in East Africa, is a formidable one, but it is a charge that must be met by leaders entrusted with responsibility to build a better future for our nations and people,” states former Zanzibar president and host H.E. Amani Abeid Karume. “For this reason we are convening the first assembly of the African Leadership Mission, including many honored former heads of state who are committing their unique leadership experience and personal prestige to the cause of East African unity, peace, and prosperity.”

The GPLC 2015 East Africa will consider best practices and proven models that will:

? Facilitate interfaith partnerships in the region, based on universal principles and shared values, in order to reduce identity-based violence.

? Encourage the over 400 interfaith, governmental, youth and civic leaders who will be in attendance to engage in positive action and entrepreneurship, and to serve as agents for transformation in the region

? Facilitate and launch the Africa Leadership Mission to bring together the elder statesmen of African nations as a key resource and brain trust promoting regional transformation through peace, good governance, and sustainable economic development. It will be hosted by former president of Zanzibar, H.E Amani Abeid Karume.

? Encourage interfaith actions and issue-based collaboration to tackle poverty, unemployment, HIV, and malaria through strategies including youth service, micro- financing, social entrepreneurship, and community-based grassroots initiatives in the region.

For more information on the event, GPLC and GPF, please contact media@globalpeace.org

Website: GPLC East Africa 2015

News Provided By: Submit Press Release 123

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ReleaseID: 15889

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