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Daniel Yomtobian – Supports the Homeless Through PATH

His success in the online world has enabled Daniel Yomtobian to contribute to the community in ways that create the most impact.

November 8, 2016 /MarketersMedia/ —

Daniel Yomtobian, the CEO and founder of Advertise.com, is proud to help the less-fortunate people in his community by partnering with Southern California’s charity People Assisting the Homeless (PATH) in aiding the homeless find shelter and a future home. The pioneering, self-made businessman is giving back and assisting others in getting their life together.

Daniel Yomtobian is regarded as an innovator in the world of online advertising. He is a hard worker with a solid record of advancing the technology behind online marketing campaigns. His mission at Advertise.com is simple — to assist companies in delivering targeted advertising to real consumers without overspending through major search engines or other advertising agencies. Yomtobian helps businesses get a better return on investment for their advertising dollars by focusing on context. He knows that ads need to be shown to consumers who are more likely to click on them and ultimately buy the product: they need to be in the right context. His innovative work in connecting businesses, the correct advertisements, and consumers has allowed Advertise.com to become a leader in contextual online marketing. Others are taking note of his success, as Daniel Yomtobian’s achievements in business earned him a spot on the Top 40 Under 40 list put out by the San Fernando Valley Business Journal.

This success in the online world has enabled Daniel Yomtobian to contribute to the community in ways that create the most impact. He knows that he has a responsibility to share his own prosperity with those in need. This belief led Yomtobian to donate to the charity PATH in order to help the homeless become more self-sufficient. In a recent interview discussing various philanthropic pursuits he is involved with, Yomtobian stated, “Helping the homeless is the most important social issue in my opinion.” He is directly helping this cause through his support of PATH. Founded in 1984, PATH provides services to address the homelessness problems in Southern California. They provide housing assistance, outreach services, and more to help this vulnerable segment of the population. Yomtobian can relate to the struggles those served by this charity face. As a youth, he moved frequently, living in 15 different houses in his childhood. He overcame the challenges in his childhood by learning the importance of working hard and having a solid work ethic. Self-sufficiency is a trait he exemplifies, and he is honored to be able to help inspire others to become more self-sufficient.

Daniel Yomtobian founded Advertise.com in 2001. The company has since grown into the world’s largest privately held network. Yomtobian is proud of his company’s success: “We launched Advertise.com to provide advertisers and publishers a new value proposition — effective, affordable, and easy-to-use advertising campaigns all under one roof”. From his early start as a web designer and Internet marketer, Daniel Yomtobian has helped thousands of businesses drive targeted visitors to their websites. Today, Daniel is considered a pioneer in the online advertising industry and was recently described by C-Suite Quarterly as a “…young leader [who] will continue to play an important role in shaping the online world of tomorrow”.

Daniel Yomtobian – Ernst Entrepreneur of the Online Advertising: http://www.DanielYomtobianInfo.com

Advertise.com and CEO Daniel Yomtobian Launch InText Publisher Monetization Tool: http://www.danielyomtobianadvertise.com/2014/06/advertise-com-ceo-daniel-yomtobian-launch-intext-publisher-monetization-tool/

Daniel Yomtobian Reveals Revolutionary Strategy For Text-Based Banner Ads: http://www.kltv.com/story/33647017/Daniel-Yomtobian-Reveals-Revolutionary-Strategy-For-Text-Based-Banner-Ads

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Source: http://marketersmedia.com/daniel-yomtobian-supports-the-homeless-through-path/144378

Release ID: 144378

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