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Dependable Homebuyers Continues to Buy Houses in Newport News in a Cooling Real Estate Market

February 25, 2019 – – Newport News, VIrginia – The real estate market in Newport News is cooling. There are more houses for sale than there are buyers. This has consolidated a buyers’ market and has left sellers with very few options but to wait or reduce their ask price drastically to entice homebuyers. Dependable Homebuyers has reiterated its policy of buying houses in any location and condition, directly from homebuyers. The company is not slowing down its acquisition process and it is not holding back from making purchase offers even as the market is expected to cool down further. More information about Dependable Homebuyers in Newport News can be found at https://activerain.com/profile/dependablehomebuyersnewportnews.

A cooling real estate market is a scenario where buyers have more options at their disposal. Sellers are trying to target a small number of buyers and it is inevitable that many houses will remain unsold. It is difficult for all sellers and especially challenging for those who have houses in varying states of disrepair. Not all residential properties are as pristine and impeccable as they should be at the time of being listed. Homeowners are compelled to invest in repairs, upgrades and at times extensive remodeling. These cost tens of thousands of dollars and there is no guarantee the efforts will pay off in the form of a quick sale or a greater selling price. It is normal for homebuyers to go for hard bargains in a cooling real estate market so any additional investment of sellers is a nonstarter.

Homeowners need not wait perpetually to get some interested homebuyers. They do not have to consider investing in repairs or even staging. Dependable Homebuyers is considering all types of residential properties and will have a purchase offer for homeowners trying to sell their properties in Newport News after viewing the houses. The company sends its representatives within twenty four hours of being contacted or at a scheduled time as per the convenience of the homeowner. The property inspection is carried out swiftly while the factual details are verified by the research team of the real estate investment company.

Dependable Homebuyers assesses the strengths and weaknesses of the properties they visit, factor in the location and the exact condition, ascertain the fair value of the house and make a cash offer. The purchase offer is not an estimate. It is a real offer that will be followed up and homeowners will get the cash credited into their account when the sale is completed in a short span of seven business days. Homeowners are under no obligation. They can accept or reject the proposition. There is no haste either. Homeowners can take their time to consider the cash purchase offer.

More homeowners are turning to Dependable Homebuyers in Newport News of Hampton Roads as conventional options dry up for them. The company does offer assured savings for all owners of residential properties. There are no closing costs or commissions for real estate agents. There is no property inspection or appraisal, costs that homeowners have to bear. Dependable Homebuyers has the simplest and surest proposition for owners of residential properties in Newport News even when the real estate market is poised unfavorably for sellers.


For more information about Dependable Homebuyers Newport News, contact the company here:

Dependable Homebuyers Newport News
Evan Roberts
(757) 296-8067
75 Huxley Pl, Newport News, VA 23606

ReleaseID: 60025653

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