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Dr. Pamela Wible Gives What Some Are Calling The #1 TED Talk Medical Students Should Watch

July 22, 2015 – – Dr. Pamela Wible delivered a TED talk that has had very far-reaching effects. Some are now asking themselves how one TED talk is changing the world of medicine. In the talk, Dr. Wible does what she does best: address the issues that really matter, with an aim to improve medicine for patients and physicians alike.

“I’m a small-town doc with a big idea,” says Dr. Wible. “People think I have a PR team. I do not. My TED talk has spread one inspired person at a time. In less than six months since my talk was uploaded, it has gone global. And this proves to me that one TED talk can change the world of medicine.”

Her TED talk clearly addresses the importance of focusing on the wellness of both doctors and patients, and how these two are far more intertwined than we could imagine. She discusses important issues, such as the taboo topic of physician suicide. At the same time, she shows how physicians are able to practice the kind of medicine they want while making a living wage, all the while keeping their patients’ interest and welfare as a top priority. The talk as been described as being very inspiring, and some people return to it again and again whenever they feel somewhat ‘stuck’.

“As a newly minted medical student,” says KP, ” I thank you for posting this!” This is why it has been named the #1 TED talk for medical students.

In the TED talk, Dr. Wible addresses a number of common taboos. The first is sexuality. She feels Americans are both oversexualized and sexually repressed. Within her clinic, all are accepted in a non-judgmental way and Dr. Wible even offers Pap parties. The second taboo is intimacy. Medical care should feel safe and not be fear-driven (including fear of medical bills). The final taboo addressed in Dr. Wible’s TED talk is on physician suicide.


Contact Pamela Wible, M.D.:

Pamela Wible, M.D.
3575 Donald Street #220
Eugene, OR 97405

ReleaseID: 60002783

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