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DRIVE Foundation’s 1st Annual Christmas Cheer Event Helps Macomb County Children in Need

ROMEO, MI / ACCESSWIRE / December 20, 2019 / On December 15, 2019, the DRIVE Foundation held a special "Christmas Cheer" event at Danny J's Brick Tavern in Utica, with two charitable initiatives, supporting over 100 local children.

DRIVE partnered with the Macomb County Rotating Emergency Shelter Team (MCREST), which provides homeless and displaced individuals the opportunity for successful transition to independence. DRIVE set out to help families currently enrolled in the MCREST program have a more festive holiday season this year. DRIVE provided families with a fun evening with food and activities for kids, including games, photos with Santa, a candy buffet and rounds of gifts. DRIVE also included additional local families in their "Christmas Cheer" event who reached out to the foundation directly for help via the DRIVE Facebook page (www.facebook.com/DRIVEFamilyFoundation). These families were welcomed with a warm meal, photos with Santa, a Santa given gift, and took home packages of "wish list" items for their children to receive on Christmas morning.

DRIVE is part of the R&E Family Foundation, led by the team of R&E Automated, an automation, engineering and prototype build company, based in Romeo, Michigan. Through fund-raising, volunteer efforts and partnerships, DRIVE seeks to create brighter futures for Michigan children. From basic health and wellness needs to advanced education pursuits, it strives to do what it can to help children live happy, healthy lives and have more promising futures.

DRIVE Founder and R&E Automated president Dan Jaraczewski commented, "We could not have pulled off this amazing event without our family of volunteers from DRIVE and R&E Automated, and the many supporting companies and friends who donated funds, gifts and time. I'd also like to thank our corporate sponsors for their support." Corporate sponsors included Ewellix, REI-Day & Ross, Henshaw, L&L Products, Lanzen Fabricating, Mac Mold Base, P&K Technologies, Romeo Technologies, INTEC Automated, TED NDT of Troy, Four Corners Diner, Romeo Café and Romeo Family Diner.

For more information about the DRIVE Foundation, please visit www.driveforchildren.org, or DRIVE's social channels. Facebook: www.facebook.com/DRIVEFamilyFoundation. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drivefamilyfoundation. Twitter: https://twitter.com/DriveFamily.

Photo caption: Volunteers help out with some of the youngest guests while mom enjoys her dinner


Cheryl Russell
Phone: 586.752.6381
Email: crussell@allseasonscommunications.com

SOURCE: DRIVE- an R&E Family Foundation

ReleaseID: 570966

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