Educational Building Toy Company Click-A-Brick Thrilled With Prime Day Results

Educational building toy company Click-A-Brick is thrilled with the results from Amazon’s Prime Day on July 15, with sales climbing by 168 percent. The flagship Animal Kingdom set sold the best and the Click-A-Brick is hoping to see similar shopping events in the future.
Las Vegas, United States – July 17, 2015 /MarketersMedia/ —
Educational building toy company Click-A-Brick’s Amazon Prime Day sales surpassed the company’s wildest expectations, increasing by 168 percent for the one-day shopping event.
Co-Founders Georg de Gorostiza and Jason Smith say they are ecstatic about the response from fans and new customers alike for Prime Day, for which the company gave 30 percent off the list price for the Animal Kingdom Safari and Feather Friends sets and 40 percent off the list price for the Mighty Machines and Army Defenders sets.
Most of Click-A-Brick’s sales came from its flagship Animal Kingdom set and now the company is scrambling to get a new shipment in to keep up with demand of its most popular toy.
The Click-A-Brick team is pleased with the results of Prime Day and say they are grateful to the online retail site for holding the event.
“I’m both excited and proud that Click-A-Brick did so well during Prime Day,” Click-A-Brick’s Brand Manager Georg de Gorostiza said. “We set what we thought were some lofty goals for our sales targets and blew right past them. It was a great experience watching it all unfold over the course of the day. We, of course, thank Amazon for holding the event. It proved to be not only good for shoppers, but sellers as well. Ultimately, we’d like to see more events like Prime Day, as they give a significant boost to sellers’ bottom lines while being a treat for consumers.”
Although Prime Day garnered some fairly harsh criticism on social media from people apparently disappointed with the selection of discounted products, Forbes reported that sales rose 80 percent for Amazon in the United States and rose 40 percent in Europe on July 15. Several big ticket items also reportedly sold out in minutes.
De Gorostiza says considering it was the first Prime Day (held to celebrate Amazon’s 20th anniversary), there were bound to be some growing pains, but the team at the educational building toy company hopes to see Amazon learn from this year’s Prime Day and hold the event again.
“There are two ways to look at Prime Day; from a buyer’s perspective and from a seller’s perspective,” de Gorostiza said. “From a buyer’s perspective, it may have been disappointing that items sold out quickly, but from a seller’s perspective, selling out quickly is a good problem to have because it means there is a demand for the product, so Prime Day was a success in that regard for a lot of sellers. And Amazon will surely learn from this for when it hopefully puts on another Prime Day or other major shopping event. We’re confident that we’ll see more events like this, not only from Amazon, but from other online retail outlets. Heck, Walmart already had one to rival Prime Day, so it’s already changing the online shopping landscape. As they continue to evolve, they’ll get better, I’m sure.”
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Contact Info:
Name: Rob Swystun
Organization: Click-A-Brick Toys LLC
Phone: 855-976-3664
Release ID: 86972