Educational Toy Company Click-A-Brick Invites Customers To Save On Prime Day

The team at educational toy company Click-A-Brick have announced the deals they will be offering on Prime Day today. Amazon Prime shoppers are invited to save up to 40 percent on Click-A-Brick items in stock at the online retail outlet July 15.
Las Vegas, United States – July 15, 2015 /MarketersMedia/ —
In celebration of Amazon’s Prime Day today, Click-A-Brick, makers of educational toys, is discounting all four of its currently available sets an additional 10 percent from their listed prices.
That means Click-A-Brick’s 30-piece Animal Kingdom Safari and Feather Friends sets will both be 30 percent off list price and the 100-piece Army Defenders and Mighty Machines sets will both be 40 percent off list price.
The steep discounts are in keeping with the general theme of Prime Day, which Amazon said on its site will have more deals that pop up throughout the day than the famous Black Friday shopping event that is a big draw for brick and mortar retailers in November.
The initiative is a celebration of Amazon’s 20th anniversary exclusively for members of the online shopping giant’s Amazon Prime program who will be privy to Lightning Deals and Deals of the Day, and who will receive unlimited free two-day shipping. Deals are set to start at midnight PDT, according to the Amazon site.
With all that Amazon has done for Click-A-Brick, Co-Founders Jason Smith and Georg de Gorostiza say, they are happy to participate in the event and help Amazon celebrate its anniversary.
“First off, happy anniversary to Amazon,” de Gorostiza said. “It’s a great site that I’ve used for a long time as a customer and now we’re happy to be on the other side of it and using it as a seller. There’s no doubt that Click-A-Brick could not have grown as quickly as it did without Amazon. It’s the ultimate online retail platform and it’s worked incredibly well for us. We hope that we can bring some people to the site with what we’re offering and we also hope that other Amazon Prime shoppers who are in the market for educational toys will consider Click-A-Brick. It’s not every day that an opportunity like this comes along, so we want to take full advantage of it while it’s here.”
While the shopping event seems like it will likely be a one-off to celebrate a milestone anniversary today, the Click-A-Brick team would like to see it become an annual event.
“We like that it’s a shopping day in the middle of summer and except for ostensibly celebrating Amazon’s anniversary, it’s not really tied to anything like Christmas, like Black Friday is,” de Gorostiza said. “And, speaking as a company that is only doing online sales at this point, we also like that we don’t have to share this shopping event with brick and mortar stores. Even Cyber Monday is tied to Black Friday, so we appreciate that Prime Day belongs solely to online sellers. We suspect that we may be seeing Prime Day next year and into the future and we like that idea.”
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Contact Info:
Name: Rob Swystun
Organization: Click-A-Brick Toys LLC
Phone: 855-976-3664
Release ID: 86413