Educator Odell Richards Signs Book Deal to Begin Work on Important Howard University Alumni Project
Odell Richards (author, educator, and Howard University graduate) has just signed a book deal with Lisa Williams and her Authority Book Consulting Division. Richards’ first project is a multi-author interview book, which focuses on the lives and careers of male Howard University graduates. Several Howard men will write about their careers and lives, with the goal of guiding young African American men on their path in the world of business and life.
Howard University graduate, author, and educator Odell Richards recently signed a book deal with Authority Book Consulting, LP, which is the book consulting division of Media Authority Marketing. Richards’ first project as part of this deal is a series of books that will highlight the successes of the men and women of Howard University.
The first book will focus on the men of Howard, and Richards hopes to publish it in August 2015. Each book will feature interviews with successful Howard alumni, including Richards, who will write the first chapter. Richards graduated from Howard in 1977 with a Masters in Psychology, and he has built a career as a successful educator in the probation system.
For Richards, the book series is a way to give back to young African Americans who are embarking on their professional careers, and it’s an opportunity to highlight the rich history of alumni that have navigated successful businesses and personal lives. In a statement, Richards said, “This is a unique opportunity for Howard Alumni to build their personal brand, while investing into the lives of young black male professionals and entrepreneurs.”
A solution-focused town hall meeting called Black Males Matter was recently held at the 2015 Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Summit in Atlanta, GA. At the meeting, Steve Harvey said, “The situation with our young African American men will not get solved unless we as black men solve it ourselves.” Harvey went on to say, “Cavalry ain’t coming. Black men are the only ones who can teach black boys to be black men. We forgot to teach the generation behind us how to be real men.”
Richards had this to add, “We as Howard alumni have value to offer, and what better way to offer that value than through inspiration and personal experience? We can relate to where African American males are today and pass a baton—a road map to success.”
Richards will interview multiple authors in the book, each of whom will make significant contributions. A requirement to be interviewed and listed as an author is having attended Howard prior to 2000. Each author will share their successes and how they dealt with and overcame challenges, both professionally and personally. To participate in this project, authors are required to agree to donate proceeds and royalties to charities and programs affiliated with Howard University.
Richards’ main goal is to create a resource for young African American men and women, which will help guide them as they establish their careers and achieve their goals. Richards chose to focus on Howard University alumni not only because he is one, but also because of Howard’s unique role in shaping the lives of African American professionals. Richards sums it up best by saying, “What I want to accomplish is to pull back the curtain and highlight the lives of very successful Howard Alumni. By doing this, we will impact the lives of budding African American entrepreneurs and young professionals, who are on the front side of their career paths—by sharing nuggets that can guide them as they navigate their businesses, their careers, and their personal lives.”
“This book is a heart project for me,” Richards says. “With this book project, “I have the opportunity to impact the future of young African Americans embarking on their careers, to share my amazing experience as a Howard alumni, to give back to a top HBCU, and to contribute my experience as an African American in today’s business world.”
While the first book will focus on Howard men, Richards is already hearing from Howard women who want to be heard. He anticipates that a second book focusing on the women of Howard will be published soon after his first volume focusing on Howard men.
Richards reports that he has already received an overwhelming response from Howard alumni, both male and female, who want to participate in the book. However, he is still inviting others to join the project and asks that anyone interested contact Lisa Williams with Authority Book Consulting at 866.386.2636.
The president of Media Authority Marketing (MAM) is Lisa Williams, a New Media and Positioning Strategist. MAM is a unique, niche-marketing firm that works with organizations nationwide to highlight the work they do. It accomplishes this by implementing authority marketing campaigns, which set them apart and position them as the subject matter expert in their niche. Authority Book Consulting, LP, is a new division that assists professionals to become self-published authors.
Media Contact
Company Name: Odell Richards
Contact Person: Lisa Williams
Phone: 8663862636
Country: United States
ReleaseID: 505519
Source: GetNews