Educator Pamela Tseu’s System Simplifies Job for Teachers
New System Helps Teachers Improve Classroom Management Skills
Salt Lake City, United States – June 1, 2018 /MarketersMedia/ —
According to a Washington Post article from September 2017, “a report by the nonprofit Learning Policy Institute found that teacher education enrollment dropped from 691,000 to 451,000, a 35 percent reduction, between 2009 and 2014 — and nearly 8 percent of the teaching workforce is leaving every year, the majority before retirement age.”
One of the many reasons they’re leaving include, “Two-thirds of those teachers leave for reasons other than retirement, including lack of adequate preparation and mentoring…poor teaching.”
Veteran 20+ year educator and “teacher to teachers,” Pamela Tseu is on a mission to change those statistics. Tseu’s online system “Education Success Classroom Management” is designed to give educators proven tools to manage their classrooms for improved grades, fewer trips to principals office and less stress without focusing on behavior management. The program will take teachers through the seven components of effective classroom management. Along with the seven proven tools, teachers will be coached by Tseu to ensure success. The course is laid out by an education curriculum designer to use pedagogically for success.
“My system doesn’t use punishment or rewards. It uses good teaching and fair, self reflective work from the student”, remarked Tseu. “I offer on-going coaching to help the teachers implement the tools. I’m a teacher myself and teach the teacher to succeed. It is classroom management focused and not behavior management focused. The goal to maximize learning and simplify the job of the educator.”
Tseu has assimilated her 20+ years as a teacher and educator to create this one of a kind course for teachers wanting real change in their classrooms. The course will teach participants how to gain control of the classroom in a kind and positive way, holding the students accountable for the behavioral choices, as well as the HOW and not the why of good classroom management. In each module, Tseu shares her heart, passion and years of experience on this subject through videos, PDFs and audios to help teachers learn effective classroom management skills.
“I really like using the statements you suggest that curb an escalating situation. I don’t feel so mean!” commented fourth grade teacher Mrs. Rigford.
Another kindergarten teacher, Ms. Greene, states, “My classroom management is more kind and what it should be due to your influence”.
Lunch room staffs have also praised the school-wide procedures stating that the “students are much better behaved” since implementing the strategies!
Tested in her own classroom, Tseu’s Title One classes scored an average of 15% over the large school district of 55 elementary schools’ state mandated test scores. Her classes are praised by co-workers and specialists (music/computers) as “the most well behaved class in the school.”
Tseu is on a mission to help every teacher achieve peace in their classroom through her proven techniques. Through coaching, speaking and online presence, she has impacted thousands of teachers.
About Pamela Tseu
Tseu created her classroom management system based on her own frustration with the failing, all-consuming reward systems primarily used by so many teachers to change behavior and the lack of options that are fairer to the students. Through trial and error, she discovered strategies that were the key to a classroom full of engaged learners behaviorally ready to learn more.
She is on a mission to help educators make the shift to this new style of classroom management one classroom at a time.
B.Ed Elem Ed/SPED
BS Business Management
M.ED. Curriculum and Instruction
Teacher/Educator for over 27 years
Contact Info:
Name: Pamela Tseu
Organization: Educator Success
Address: Salt Lake City, Utah
Phone: (206) 619-6527
Source URL:
For more information, please visit
Source: MarketersMedia
Release ID: 354947