Emergency Preparedness Campaign Could End Up a Life or Death Matter

National Preparedness Month brings a heightened sense of urgency to the need for being as prepared as possible for natural and manmade disasters. 4Patriots specializes in products designed to help people prepare for an uncertain future.
Nashville, Tenn., United States – August 28, 2015 /MarketersMedia/ —
September is National Preparedness Month in the U.S., according to a government website, with the 2015 theme being: “Don’t Wait. Communicate. Make Your Emergency Plan Today.” It’s a month in which people are encouraged to prepare for disasters that can strike anytime, anywhere.
Officials at Nashville, Tenn.-based 4Patriots LLC, which provides a variety of products that help people become more self-reliant and independent, applaud this designation and urge Americans to take swift action to prepare their loved ones and homes for a crisis situation.
“This campaign could mean life or death for many Americans, and it’s a testament to how critical emergency-preparedness awareness has become, especially in the face of current recent and economic events,” said Allen Baler, 4Patriots Partner. “We are encouraged to see the government supporting families in their efforts to be self-reliant and to survive in any type of situation.”
Baler, who said his company treats every month like National Preparedness Month, believes the best way for Americans to prepare for power, water and food shortages caused by natural and manmade disasters is by stocking up on non-perishable food, water and other essential items.
“We sincerely hope that people pay heed to this initiative because despite all the recent weather disasters and clean water shortages, many Americans are not yet ready to handle a situation in which food and water are not readily available. Too many people have an ‘It will never happen to me’ mentality. Unfortunately, those are the people who end up in FEMA centers when a crisis strikes.”
4Patriots officials say that one of the best things about being prepared is that it leads to peace of mind. Those who have prepared by stockpiling good tasting and nutritious food with a long shelf life, as well as clean drinking water, are ready no matter what happens.
4Patriots products include:
Food4Patriots, a long-term food survival solution consisting of pre-packaged kits of survival food rated for 25 years of storage, available in 72-hour, one-week, four-week, three-month and one-year supplies.
Patriot Power Generator, a portable solar generator designed to provide electricity for important devices and equipment during a power outage or disaster situation.
Water4Patriots, featuring the Alexapure Pro water filtration system and the Survival Spring personal water filter, both designed to provide the user with safe, clean drinking water in any situation.
Power4Patriots, a series of Do-It-Yourself videos and manuals (printed and electronic) showing how to build solar panels, a wind turbine, a solar water heater and a solar air heater.
SurvivalSeeds4Patriots, a seed vault containing approximately 5,640 survival seeds from 21 varieties of heirloom, non-genetically modified seeds, rated for five-plus years of storage.
Patriot Power Greens, containing 38 fruits and vegetables, 10 probiotic strains and seven digestive enzymes in each serving. This nutritious beverage is designed to aid the chronic inflammation causing many health problems.
4Patriots’ full-color, 16-page monthly newsletter titled the Patriot Alliance Messenger and the company’s blog provide readers with information on essential subjects including privacy, solar/wind power, survival seeds, home and self-defense, healthcare and much more, so that they can become more self-reliant and independent from government and big business.
For more information about us, please visit http://www.4patriots.com
Contact Info:
Name: Tim Boyle
Email: timm.boyle@4patriots.com
Organization: 4Patriots LLC
Source: http://marketersmedia.com/emergency-preparedness-campaign-could-end-up-a-life-or-death-matter/90014
Release ID: 90014