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Employee Communication Vital in Digital Transformation Journey, Asserts Augusto Beato

September 21, 2018 – – Companies can swiftly move forward with the digital transformation if they empower employees with intelligent process automation, according to digital marketing expert Augusto Beato.

“Employees with a clear understanding of digital transformation and the enterprise’s transformation strategy will likely embrace it and want to be involved,” shared Beato, who is the CEO of Portland SEO.

He was reacting to a report by the World Economic Forum that innovation in areas such as AI and robotics could create more jobs than it threatens.

To optimize one’s company’s digital transformation efforts, one can enlist the services of Portland SEO by clicking here. Also feel free to contact Augusto Beato through this link.

Nonetheless, the Forum also pointed out that machines and automated software will be handling half of all a company’s tasks within seven years.

It is expected that the development of artificial intelligence will accelerate the pace of automation and raises risks to high-skilled jobs that until now were considered sheltered from technological change.

The Forum takes the view that 7.1 million jobs will be lost as a direct result of many innovations, with the majority of positions “concentrated in the Office and Administrative job family.”

Beato averred that there should be an understanding of transformation efforts and an internal alignment to keep transformation strategies moving forward.

“The full impact of digitalization is uncertain regarding the loss of jobs, but what is certain is the need for reskilling within many traditional occupations,” avers Beato.


Contact Portland SEO :

Augusto Beato
616 SE 68TH AVE #101
Portland OR 97215

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