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Epic Video Factory Publishes Exclusive New Guide to Video Marketing for Retail

New guide shows how retailers can easily take advantage of the demonstrated power and persuasiveness of video as a marketing medium, Epic Video Factory reports

Epic Video Factory Publishes Exclusive New Guide to Video Marketing for Retail

TORONTO – March 9, 2016 /MarketersMedia/

Epic Video Factory, a leading video production agency, published a new guide covering the effective use of video for retail marketing. Available now at epicvideofactory.com, the new guide details how retailers can extract impressive, concrete returns from their investments into videos that demonstrate or explain particular products. With a proven, straightforward, six-step process that delivers real results to clients, Epic Video Factory regularly works with retailers and companies in a wide range of other industries on business-building video production projects.

“There can be no doubt that online video marketing has really come of age,” Epic Video Factory Director of Video Production Darnell Moses said, “Just how to employ this powerful approach in particular industries, though, is not always so obvious. Our brand new guide tackles one of the most common questions among those looking into their video marketing options. In a clear, to-the-point manner, it shows how retailers can make great use of video for their own marketing purposes.”

If there has been a single most striking outcome of the high-speed Internet connections that are increasingly the norm, it has been the eagerness with which users have employed them to watch video. With video streaming services like Netflix now collectively accounting for somewhere around 70% of the peak bandwidth usage on the Internet, according to broadband firm Sandvine, video is a top priority for users everywhere.

Video also consistently proves to be the most engaging and influential digital medium, too. Hosting platform Brightcove estimates that video generates 1200% more social network shares than text and images combined, with seven in ten marketers now agreeing that video produces more conversions than content of any other kind, according to video marketing specialist Vidyard.

The new Epic Video Factory guide to the use of video for retail marketing details how this powerful medium can be best employed by those in one of the most challenging industries of all. While some retailers assume that individual products will be unable to justify the creation of video assets, the reality often turns out to be otherwise, as the new guide clearly demonstrates.

With an easy six-stage process that makes it simple to create powerful, persuasive product demonstration or explainer videos that directly contribute to improved sales levels, Epic Video Factory has worked with dozens of retail clients, along with many more in other industries, to achieve the kinds of results detailed in the new guide. The guide is available now at the Epic Video Factory website, where samples of the company’s past work and more information about its services can also be found.

About Epic Video Factory:
Epic Video Factory is one of Toronto’s leading video production agencies, always working to deliver results that help clients achieve their goals and do more business.

For more information about us, please visit https://epicvideofactory.com/

Contact Info:
Name: Darnell Moses
Organization: Epic Video Factory
Address: Toronto, ON M4Y 2P8
Phone: 1-888-590-5796

Source: http://marketersmedia.com/epic-video-factory-publishes-exclusive-new-guide-to-video-marketing-for-retail/106441

Release ID: 106441

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