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Face Wash for Oily Skin Uses Cornmeal as Natural Exfoliant

SeboCalm’s face wash for oily skin uses the benefits of cornmeal as a gentle but effective exfoliant that is safe for any skin type. Cornmeal is a sustainable and environmentally friendly choice over traditional microbeads.

Or Yeuda, Israel – February 26, 2020

SeboCalm recently revealed the addition of cornmeal in its face wash oily skin. Cornmeal is a natural, sustainable exfoliant that is much safer for the skin and more environmentally sound than the plastic microbeads that are traditionally found in exfoliating facial cleansers.

“Exfoliating is necessary to unclog pores and remove dead skin cells which will help to prevent bacteria, dirt, oil and sweat from becoming trapped beneath the skin’s surface,” explains senior spokesperson for SeboCalm, Dr. Herman Weiss. “The benefits of exfoliating are that it makes your skin smoother, it can help combat the signs of aging, it can prevent breakouts, it is good for skin tone and it can help other products like moisturizers work better by allowing them to penetrate the skin more deeply.”

Microbeads, commonly used in exfoliating personal care products, are manufactured solid plastic particles that range in size from 1 millimeter down to 1 micrometer, much too small to be seen by the naked eye. Dr. Weiss says, “Microbeads have been shown to actually cause more harm than good. Skin is very sensitive and microbeads can cause small tears on the surface of the skin which leaves the skin vulnerable to bacteria and infections.”

SeboCalm’s face wash for sensitive skin uses cornmeal as a gentle, natural exfoliant. Ground cornmeal is effective at removing dirt and dead skin cells without the danger of causing microtears. Cornmeal also contains zinc, iron and folic acid, which are great additions to a skincare routine.

Dr. Weiss continues, “Cornmeal is a better choice for the environment. On average, a bottle of face cleanser can contain up to 20,000 microbeads per gram. Those microbeads are eventually washed down the sink and end up in the water system, becoming plastic water pollution. Aquatic life inadvertently ingests the beads and they then enter the food chain.”

The brand formulated its face wash acne with extensive research and development to create a sustainable and environmentally friendly product that is gentle enough for daily use and effective for anyone with sensitive skin.

Those interested in more information about SeboCalm products, please visit the company’s Amazon storefront.


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SeboCalm/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sebocalm/

About Us: SeboCalm’s story begins back in the 90s at a pharmacy in Rishon LeZion with pharmacists Amnon Bechar and Herman Weiss. Together, they have become Israel’s first developers of dermo-cosmetic products that fill the gap between cosmetics and medication.

Contact Info:
Name: Dr. Herman Weiss
Email: Send Email
Organization: SeboCalm
Address: , Or Yeuda, Israel
Phone: 03-6911688
Website: https://www.sebocalm.co.il/en/

Release ID: 88948008

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