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Farriers’ Fix Therapeutic Hoof Oil Released

August 23, 2016 – – Farriers Fix Inc., a business in Bedford, NY, has released a new therapeutic and natural hoof oil because horses require highly specialized care. This oil has proven to have a number of important benefits. The therapeutic hoof oil has been designed specifically for horses to promote health and healing.

Paul Heller from Farriers Fix Inc. says: “I originally developed this product to sell to other farriers. Like most farriers, I have always encountered the basic problems found in many horses – sore feet, thrush, feet that are either too soft or too hard and brittle, founder (laminitis), quarter cracks, and white line disease. I started looking for a topical treatment and experimented with various ingredients until I came up with what I now call Farriers’ Fix Hoof Oil.”

The benefits of the therapeutic hoof oil have been clearly laid out. Firstly, it helps to fix soreness, with so many horses suffering from it because their hooves are trimmed too short. In tests, most horses with soreness and treated with the oil could be ridden again the very next day. This means it is particularly suitable for horses that race, jump, or work on adverse surfaces.

“The oil also helps to fix tender feet,” adds Paul Heller. “In fact, the oil has been used time and again on barefoot horses and ponies, but it can also be used as part of a packing or poultice. It also helps to fix dry and cracked hooves, which are often caused by hoof oil with lacquer or petroleum. We only use natural ingredients to create a true balance, allowing the hooves to breathe.”

As can be seen on the website at http://farriersfix.com/, the company has worked very hard to create something natural and beneficial. The hoof oil’s main ingredient is venice turpentine, which stays liquid in all climates. This helps to remove the need for heating the oil.

Finally, the hoof oil is designed to heal the horse’s hoofs. It helps to fight thrush and bacteria and even provides a treatment for laminitis (founder). Not only does it help reduce the associated soreness, it actually kills the bacteria that make the founder worse for the horse.


Contact Farriers Fix Inc.:

Paul Heller
Farriers Fix Inc.
P.O. Box 191
Bedford, NY 10506

ReleaseID: 60011933

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