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Fireplace/Chimney Inspections Article Reveals Surprising Facts for Home Owners

Chimney Repair Kansas City’s latest article takes on misconceptions about Fireplace/Chimney Inspections and sets the record straight with several useful facts for Home Owners.

Kansas City, USA – July 16, 2015 /PressCable/

As part of their ongoing efforts to provide the best information on Fireplace/Chimney Inspections, Chimney Repair Kansas City has published a new article entitled Fireplaces Claim Innocent Lives Every Year In KC which sheds light on the most important aspects of Fireplace/Chimney Inspections for Home Owners. Interested individuals can view the full article at http://www.chimneyrepairkansascity.org/fireplace-i…

The owner of a Chimney Repair company operating in Kansas City, Smithville, Excelsior Springs, Gladstone and North Kansas City performs a number of chimney inspections every day on interior structures (liner, damper, flue) and exterior structures (cap, crown, mortar). What’s really interesting is the number of homeowners who have never had an inspection of any type on their chimney or fireplace.

Homeowners don’t realize just how dangerous their fireplace/chimney is with each fire that they start. NFPA, USFA, and NFIRS collectively report over 300,000 residential structural fires each year with 21,000 being as a result of the fireplace, chimney or chimney connector equipment. The casualties from the fires were not only fire related but also non-fire related with carbon monoxide being the leader in this category. Chimneys when ignited need to be monitored as with any piece of equipment that burns fuel especially since the color of the flame and draft of flame hold very vital information.

The owner employs Chimney Safety Institute Of America (CSIA) technicians. These techs are trained on the specifications of various types of fireplaces and can tell pretty quickly if it is operating within industry standards. Awareness and seasonal inspections are the keys to keeping the casualty rate down.

The bulk of the residential fires occurs in the climates that utilize the fireplace the most. Wood, natural gas, oil, and pellets are probably the most utilized sources of fuel but again no matter the source they have to be aware and understand. Especially in the cold climate regions.

Fireplace/chimney inspections are very affordable and worth the cost of life. The various components of the fireplace/chimney all have a shelf life so inspections need to be performed to determine when their time it up. As with anything in life which was designed to protect life, exceed its life expectancy and now human life is at risk.

Over the years, technical flaws with fireplaces and chimneys have resulted in fatal casualties. Homes built in the early to mid 20th century resulted in a number of casualties due to chimney liners which were eventually corrected. Regardless of the fuel source being used one constant that has survived the test of time and that is chimney/fireplace inspections. Don’t become a victim.

For more information about us, please visit http://www.chimneyrepairkansascity.org

Contact Info:
Name: Reginal Murphy
Email: support@chimneyrepairkansascity.org
Organization: Chimney Repair Kansas City
Phone: 816-919-1254

Release ID: 86863

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