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Floodwallstreet Comments On Study Indicating The Effects Of Global Warming Are Nearly Unstoppable

November 12, 2015 – – Floodwallstreet, which is based in Warwickshire, United Kingdom, has responded to new research that shows the effects of global warming are almost unstoppable, unless action is taken right now. As a result, the organization is calling on all citizens around the globe to stop capitalism and end the climate crisis today, before it truly is too late. They indicated that various actions are being organized to bring the plight of the 99%, and the planet as a whole, to the foreground.

“Last year, we were a vital part of the People’s Climate March, after which we organized a mass sit-in, with everybody wearing blue,” says George Nelson from Floodwallstreet. “We made a real difference, but it wasn’t enough. We must come together to fight capitalism and the 1% who are destroying our planet, and we must do it right now.”

The recent piece of research that Floodwallstreet is hailing has demonstrated that the effects of global warming will be devastating for the planet and its inhabitants, humans, animals and plants alike. Some of these effects are said to be measurable today, in things such as more extreme weather events around the planet, unseasonably warm or cold temperatures and the fact that it has today been announced that the planet has warmed up by 1 degree already, faster than was previously expected.

“In September 2013, the IPCC released a report backed by over 197 international scientific organizations that said global warming is real and that it is caused by human activity,” adds George Nelson from http://floodwallstreet.net/. “That human activity isn’t the 99%, it is the 1%. It is capitalism, which leads to overproduction and stockpiling, using more resources than needed and more than are available, to create products that we don’t need, that is causing this.”

The research also pointed towards certain observable effects, suggesting they are directly related to global warming. Migrating birds, for instance, have started changing their habits. Agricultural systems are failing and severe droughts are expected in places like Ethiopia. The acidity levels of the sea are changing, having a devastating effect on marine life, polar ice caps and more. Floodwallstreet encourages people to visit http://floodwallstreet.net/ as soon as possible and make a stand together, before it is truly too late.


Contact Floodwallstreet:

George Nelson
21 Horsefair Green, Old Milverton, Warwickshire, CV32 1WD, United kingdom

ReleaseID: 60005225

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