Florida Immigration attorney, Attorney Carlos E. Sandoval Offers Advice due to End of Temporary Protected Status
MIAMI, FL / ACCESSWIRE / September 30, 2020 / On September 14, 2020 the federal court of the 9th circuit of California that has been known for supporting immigrants the most according to history, ruled in favor of ending the Temporary Protected Status (or TPS, for its acronym in English) which protects more than 300,000 immigrants from countries such as Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Haiti and Sudan.
Attorney Carlos Sandoval explains, "This low blow for "tepesianos" grants the government of President Donald Trump free will to deport thousands of them whom, for reasons beyond their control such as natural disasters, armed conflicts or other extraordinary events, have sought this status in order to remain "temporarily" in the United States legally."
Many people under TPS may, unknowingly, have options to resolve their situation and qualify to apply for other benefits that would allow them to stay in the United States.
At this time, all persons under TPS are urged to contact an immigration attorney immediately to avoid imminent deportation.
For advice, contact the Sandoval Law Office at 954-306-6921.
About Attorney Carlos E. Sandoval
Carlos E. Sandoval is a member of the Florida Bar, the American Immigration Lawyers Association, the Broward County Hispanic Bar Association, and the Broward County Bar Association. Carlos, who is fluent in English and Spanish, is licensed to practice law by the Florida Supreme Court and the Federal Court for the South and Central Districts of Florida.
The lawyer focuses his practice in all areas of labor and immigration law. For more information or a consultation, call (954) 306-6921, or visit http://www.carlosesandoval.com.
SOURCE: Carlos E. Sandoval
ReleaseID: 608520