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Foretec Ph Reveals New Case Study On Ranking of highly competive industries in Google

Foretec Ph releases a new case study

Philippines – August 1, 2017 /MarketersMedia/

Foretec Ph revealed their new case study today on Ranking of highly competive industries in Google. This case study demonstrates that the company was able to rank a highly competitive keyword in the CO2 fractional laser Singapore niche.

The case study also made it obvious that Foretec was able to find the best strategies in ranking businesses in this industry especially those in the CO2 laser niche.

Foretec Ph owner Charles Vallena says there are many people looking for insights and answers about ranking of highly competitive industries in Google. This case study reveals in a practical way what’s possible with the right information and guidance.

“A lot of businesses want to rank first page for highly competitive keywords without thinking much of the cost of getting in their. Luckily we were able to formulate a new strategy that enables us to rank and at the same time reduce the cost. We have proved this possible with one of our clients in the fractional laser industry. Any SEO would say that ranking in the medical industry can be both exhausting and tedious since there are a lot of factors in place,” said Vallena.
The case study is available at http://www.foretec.com.ph/.

About Foretec Ph
Foretec Ph was founded in 2016 and serves the local SEO industry. It is known for ranking companies on first page results.

Contact Info:
Name: Charles Vallena
Organization: Foretec Ph
Address: 22 Sin Ming Lane, #06-76 Midview City, Singapore 573969
Phone: +63 02 231-2190

Source URL: http://marketersmedia.com/foretec-ph-reveals-new-case-study-on-ranking-of-highly-competive-industries-in-google/223819

For more information, please visit http://www.foretec.com.ph/

Source: MarketersMedia

Release ID: 223819

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