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Friendable, Inc. Meghan Trainor On Board with Concert Giveaway Celebrity Exposure to 150 Million Followers

MIAMI, FL / ACCESSWIRE / September 7, 2016 / EmergingGrowth.com, a leading independent small cap media portal with an extensive history of providing unparalleled content for the Emerging Growth markets and companies, reports on Friendable, Inc. (OTC Pink: FDBL).

See the Press Release and other stories on Friendable at EmergingGrowth.com


Friendable, Inc. (OTC Pink: FDBL) just announced that their continued celebrity exposure and support now exceeds 150 Million online fans, and the addition of Meghan Trainor who just announced to her Facebook followers: Friendable App is hosting a contest for my fans to win free concert tickets!! Download the free app here: http://bit.ly/friendable

The Friendable (OTC Pink: FDBL) app continues to utilize marketing initiatives for increased exposure from celebrities and artists in the music space. Multi-Platinum singer and actress Jennifer Lopez, Teen heartthrob Austin Mahone, Party Rock celebrity RedFoo of LMFAO, and as of last week, the 2016 Grammy award winner for “Best New Artist”, Meghan Trainor, with the announcement of Friedable’s concert ticket giveaway for three of her tour dates.

Click the Link for Details of Ticket Giveaway


The combined social media reach of the foregoing celebrities exceeds approximately 150 Million active followers and has strongly enhanced user acquisition initiatives for Friendable.

Friendable, Inc. (OTC Pink: FDBL), and Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment owned by Sony Corporation (SNE) just announced a promotional partnership whereby there will be a variety of promotional initiatives including but not limited to concert giveaway’s, social media promotion, and other contests all held within the Friendable app.

See the Press Release and other stories on Friendable at EmergingGrowth.com



Friendable, Inc. is the mobile-social network focused on the future, rather than sharing the past, where it’s all about having location specific and nearby opportunities to connect with others. The Friendable brand represents a friends-first approach and takes all the pressure off for its users, making it simple to make new connections, create meetup style events or simply tell others what you are “Friendable for.” Then, based on shared interests and location, users can engage with what makes sense for them. Increased user interactions will allow Friendable to offer advertising and sponsorship opportunities to local venues and businesses, and begin to generate revenue by providing these venues with location specific opportunities to reach potential customers when it matters most: when they are nearby and looking for something to do or someone to do it with. As of April 2016 Friendable has over 1 million downloads and 700,000 registered users.

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EmergingGrowth.com is a leading independent small cap media portal with an extensive history of providing unparalleled content for the Emerging Growth markets and companies. Through its evolution, EmergingGrowth.com found a niche in identifying companies that can be overlooked by the markets due to, among other reasons, trading price or market capitalization. We look for strong management, innovation, strategy, execution, and the overall potential for long- term growth. Aside from being a trusted resource for the Emerging Growth info-seekers, we are well known for discovering undervalued companies and bringing them to the attention of the investment community. Through our parent Company, we also have the ability to facilitate road shows to present your products and services to the most influential investment banks in the space.


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ReleaseID: 444887

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