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Full Frame Productions Publish New Explainer Video On Mistakes Businesses Make Creating Video

Full Frame Productions has created an explainer video showing businesses the biggest mistakes they tend to make when creating video, and what effect that can have on their success.

Full Frame Productions Publish New Explainer Video On Mistakes Businesses Make Creating Video

Sydney, Australia – May 8, 2017 /MarketersMedia/

Video content is becoming ever more important to businesses, as internet connections get faster and multimedia grows to dominate the attention of users online. Now, video is considered the most important form of communication for marketers, being the easiest for users to absorb. Full Frame Productions is a company that provides exceptional video content production on behalf of businesses, and has published a new video highlighting the biggest mistakes businesses make when creating video content.

The video (http://fullframeproductions.com.au) describes the key mistakes businesses most often make. This includes things like skimping on budget only to find disappointing production values make it harder for audiences to connect to the individuals in the content. Equally, a lack of appropriate preparation time makes filming stressful and unproductive, harming the final result. By highlighting what businesses most often get wrong, they are able to highlight how their approach gets it right.

Equally, the video serves to demonstrate the best practices in action, with a well prepared and charismatic presenter delivering dynamic content in a compelling way, backed by high production values that make the business look amazing. It serves to simultaneously highlight what businesses do wrong, and how to do it right.

A spokesperson for Full Frame Productions explained, “Full Frame Productions is pleased to release this new video, which we hope amply demonstrates the difference between in-house and professionally produced video content. This difference in quality makes all the difference to the return on investment businesses see from the video content, which when done well, can transform a business’ fortunes online. Explainer videos are an invaluable format for delivering value-added content to consumers, so businesses can attract and convert new audiences into paying customers. We look forward to creating explainers on behalf of clients throughout 2017.”

About Full Frame Productions: Full Frame Productions is a Sydney video production company specialising in making videos for businesses across the state. Corporate video is becoming an increasingly popular tool that businesses of all sizes use to communicate with their customers. The company can create explainer videos, training videos, testimonial videos and more, using the latest technologies to deliver the best production values at affordable prices.

Contact Info:
Name: Michael Murry
Email: info@fullframeproductions.com.au
Organization: Full Frame Productions
Address: 16-18 Grosvenor St, The Rocks NSW 2000
Phone: 02 8096 2238

Source URL: http://marketersmedia.com/full-frame-productions-publish-new-explainer-video-on-mistakes-businesses-make-creating-video/195376

For more information, please visit http://fullframeproductions.com.au/

Source: MarketersMedia

Release ID: 195376

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