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Global Oil Storage Market Outlook to 2022-Capacity and Capital Expenditure Forecasts with Details of All Operating and Planned Terminals

Global Oil Storage Market Outlook to 2022 added to Orbisresearch.com database. The report provides an extensive research and detailed analysis of the present market along with future outlook. The report also provide information on storage terminals that store crude oil, petroleum products and chemicals worldwide

Dallas, United States – May 29, 2018 /MarketersMedia/

Global Oil Storage Market 2018-2022:

“Global Oil Storage Industry Outlook to 2022 – Capacity and Capital Expenditure Forecasts with Details of All Operating and Planned Terminals”, is a comprehensive report providing information on storage terminals that store crude oil, petroleum products and chemicals worldwide. The report provides terminal name, operator name, commodity stored and storage capacity for all active, planned, announced, suspended, and decommissioned oil storage terminals in the world by region and country for the period 2012-2022. Planned and announced (new build) storage terminals capacity additions and existing capacity expansions by region and key countries in a region was also been included. The report provides global and regional capital expenditure outlook by key countries, year on year, from 2018 to 2022. Further the report also offers recent developments and latest awarded contracts at regional level.

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Scope of Global Oil Storage Industry:

– Updated information relating to all active and planned oil storage terminals
– Provides historical data from 2012 to 2017, forecast to 2022
– Capacity information of all oil storage terminals
– Provides operator information for all active and planned oil storage terminals
– Latest developments and contracts related to oil storage terminals.

Reasons to buy:

– Obtain the most up to date information available on active and planned oil storage terminals globally
– Identify growth segments and opportunities in the industry
– Facilitate decision making on the basis of strong historic and forecast capacity data
– Assess your competitor’s oil storage terminals

Key Points from TOC:

1 Table of Contents 1

2. Introduction 29

3. Global Oil Storage Industry 30
3.1. Global Oil Storage Industry, Snapshot 30
3.2. Global Oil Storage Industry, Planned Oil Storage Terminals 39
3.3. Global Oil Storage Industry, New Storage Terminals and Capacity Expansions by Country 43
3.4. Global Oil Storage Industry, Regional Comparisons 46

4. Africa Oil Storage Industry 50
4.1. Africa Oil Storage Industry, Snapshot 50
4.2. Africa Oil Storage Industry, Planned Oil Storage Terminals 59
4.3. Africa Oil Storage Industry, New Storage Terminals and Capacity Expansions by Country 63
4.4. Africa Oil Storage Industry, Country Comparisons 65
4.5. Africa Oil Storage Industry, South Africa 69
4.6. Africa Oil Storage Industry, Nigeria 71
4.7. Africa Oil Storage Industry, Egypt 73
4.8. Africa Oil Storage Industry, Libya 74
4.9. Africa Oil Storage Industry, Algeria 75
4.10. Africa Oil Storage Industry, Morocco 76
4.11. Africa Oil Storage Industry, Kenya 77
4.12. Africa Oil Storage Industry, Tunisia 78
4.13. Africa Oil Storage Industry, Angola 79
4.14. Africa Oil Storage Industry, Gabon 82
4.15. Africa Oil Storage Industry, Djibouti 82
4.16. Africa Oil Storage Industry, Cote d’Ivoire 83
4.17. Africa Oil Storage Industry, Tanzania 84
4.18. Africa Oil Storage Industry, Ghana 85

5. Asia Oil Storage Industry 112

6. Caribbean Oil Storage Industry 210

7. Central America Oil Storage Industry 242

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8. Europe Oil Storage Industry 268
8.1. Europe Oil Storage Industry, Snapshot 268
8.2. Europe Oil Storage Industry, Planned Oil Storage Terminals 277
8.3. Europe Oil Storage Industry, New Storage Terminals and Capacity Expansions by Country 281
8.4. Europe Oil Storage Industry, Country Comparisons 283
8.5. Europe Oil Storage Industry, Netherlands 287
8.6. Europe Oil Storage Industry, United Kingdom 290
8.7. Europe Oil Storage Industry, Spain 294
8.8. Europe Oil Storage Industry, Germany 300
8.9. Europe Oil Storage Industry, France 307
8.10. Europe Oil Storage Industry, Belgium 310
8.11. Europe Oil Storage Industry, Finland 312
8.12. Europe Oil Storage Industry, Portugal 314
8.13. Europe Oil Storage Industry, Poland 316
8.14. Europe Oil Storage Industry, Sweden 317
8.15. Europe Oil Storage Industry, Italy 320
8.16. Europe Oil Storage Industry, Denmark 322
8.17. Europe Oil Storage Industry, Norway 324
8.32. Europe Oil Storage Industry, Hungary 336
8.33. Europe Oil Storage Industry, Albania 337
8.34. Europe Oil Storage Industry, Recent Developments and Contracts 338

9. Former Soviet Union Oil Storage Industry 359

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10. Middle East Oil Storage Industry 399
10.1. Middle East Oil Storage Industry, Snapshot 399
10.2. Middle East Oil Storage Industry, Planned Oil Storage Terminals 408
10.3. Middle East Oil Storage Industry, New Storage Terminals and Capacity Expansions by Country 412
10.4. Middle East Oil Storage Industry, Country Comparisons 414
10.5. Middle East Oil Storage Industry, United Arab Emirates 418
10.6. Middle East Oil Storage Industry, Saudi Arabia 421
10.7. Middle East Oil Storage Industry, Turkey 423
10.8. Middle East Oil Storage Industry, Iran 427
10.9. Middle East Oil Storage Industry, Kuwait 431
10.10. Middle East Oil Storage Industry, Israel 432
10.11. Middle East Oil Storage Industry, Bahrain 433
10.12. Middle East Oil Storage Industry, Oman 434
10.13. Middle East Oil Storage Industry, Iraq 435
10.14. Middle East Oil Storage Industry, Qatar 436
10.15. Middle East Oil Storage Industry, Syria 437
10.16. Middle East Oil Storage Industry, Yemen 438
10.17. Middle East Oil Storage Industry, Lebanon 439
10.18. Middle East Oil Storage Industry, Jordan 440
10.19. Middle East Oil Storage Industry, Recent Developments and Contracts 441

11. North America Oil Storage Industry 463

12. Oceania Oil Storage Industry 572

13. South America Oil Storage Industry 604

14. Appendix 645

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Source URL: https://marketersmedia.com/global-oil-storage-market-outlook-to-2022-capacity-and-capital-expenditure-forecasts-with-details-of-all-operating-and-planned-terminals/352525

For more information, please visit http://www.orbisresearch.com

Source: MarketersMedia

Release ID: 352525

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