GoFreshWater.com Publishes Scary New Statistics Concerning the Drinking Water Supply

Fifty percent of holiday makers test positive for a superbug bacteria, even without hospitalization, reports GoFreshWater
Epping, NSW, Australia – June 1, 2015 /MarketersMedia/ —
Returning holiday makers need to take care, as 50 percent test positive for a superbug bacteria, one that is contracted while they are participating in local, everyday activities. In addition, 50 percent of patients who are hospitalized have a virus or water bacteria based illness. Statistics such as these need to concern all, and many individuals are now opting to make use of a portable water filter.
“One cannot be too careful when it comes to their drinking water. Extreme weather events may take place at any time and anywhere. When a natural disaster strikes, one must ensure their drinking water remains safe. Often, individuals cannot tell just by looking at or smelling water if it remains potable. For this reason, a water bottle filter or water filter straw becomes essential,” John Smeaton, spokesperson for GoFreshWater, states.
Many situations prevent access to clean drinking water. For example, when one is camping, they must either carry water with them or take a chance that the water they have access to is safe. The same is true when one is traveling, embarking on a humanitarian mission, hiking or traveling abroad. Individuals in this situation need a water purifier that offers multiple stage purification for optimal results.
“Individuals often wonder what the difference is between various purification products. The three stage system used in GoFreshWater products removes floating objects and sediment, viruses,cysts, bacteria, odours, heavy metals and chemicals. Each stage has its own function, and the process ensures the water is safe to drink. Particles removed may be as small as 0.01 microns,” Smeaton continues.
The human body requires clean water to survive, yet access to this water continues to become harder. One can never be too safe when it comes to what they put in their body. Consumers find water purification systems allow them to obtain clean, fresh drinking water regardless of where they go or what type of water they have access to.
“Individuals feel confident when purchasing products from GoFreshWater as they have undergone the most stringent international standards testing. The tests show they successfully provide clean water by removing not only viruses and bacteria, but also odours and tastes. One has a supply of fresh drinking water for a period of time, allowing government officials the time needed to get the water supply up and running and safe once again,” Smeaton declares.
About GoFreshWater:
A privately owned Australian company, GoFreshWater remains committed to providing affordable, reliable, lightweight, portable water filters to ensure everyone has access to clean, fresh drinking water. The company has been involved in the filtration industry for more than two decades and understands the issues surrounding clean drinking water. Water contamination continues to be an issue, one that has been growing at alarming rates, and statistics show individuals continue to become ill or die as a result of a lack of access to clean drinking water. The company provides technologically advanced portable water filtration devices to ensure consumers have a clean water supply when needed.
For more information about us, please visit https://gofreshwater.com
Contact Info:
Name: John Smeaton
Organization: GoFreshWater
Phone: +61414390182
Release ID: 83290