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Hajjah Naziha Muslim Charity Promotes Several Charitable Projects

July 01, 2019 – – Hajjah Naziha Charitable Organisation or HNCO, based in Brierfield, Nelson, Lancashire, UK, has announced that they are promoting several Muslim charitable projects. These projects have various goals like feeding the hungry, supporting the orphans, helping the homeless, education for all, and providing relief in disaster. They also offer free Umrah and Hajj to as many poor Muslims as possible. This is done by inviting wealthy Muslims to pay towards affordable Umrah and Hajj packages to allow poor Muslims to visit the House of Allah.

Hajjah Naziha, founder of HNCO, says, “We believe in the power of community and collaborate with those who share our values and vision. We are mindful that our mission is accomplished through the generosity of others and we are committed to efficient, compassionate allocation of resources entrusted to us. We aim to improve the quality of life of the needy through these efforts globally.”

According to Hajjah Naziha, their mission is to work proactively in order to achieve peace and interfaith harmony. This will allow people to benefit from the pursuit of moral excellence and self discipline so that they are able to manage the challenges of life by taking productive steps forward instead of letting those challenges make them susceptible to a life of hatred or crime.

As a result of their charitable works, they have provided hot meals to people in need in Africa, Malaysia, Indonesia and the homeless in the UK. They have also helped in digging fresh water wells in rural Africa allowing the people to drink clean water for the first time. They have also supported orphans in third world countries with healthcare, housing, and education until they become adults. They have also been distributing books and education supplies to children in Africa and Indonesia. And they have been providing free classes in core academic subjects like English, Science, and Mathematics.

One of their projects aims to establish study groups that meet once a month with like-minded people from different faiths and backgrounds to discuss a specific theme. The goal is to promote mutual respect and understanding of one another. Among the topics that they aim to discuss are: spiritual and religious practices that are relevant to their daily lives; psychological stressors in work and social settings; scientific advances and how they relate to each individual’s religious beliefs; and academic articles and information that promote interfaith harmony.

HNCO also promotes several personal self development programs. These involve workshops, classes and seminars that address the mental, physical, spiritual and emotional well-being of the individual to promote personal and community cohesion. The specific topics to be discussed in the classes and workshops include: physical fitness, meditation, art and culture, diet and nutrition, spirituality and religion, cultural and social orientation, and English as a second language (ESOL) and life in the HNCO.

An important Muslim charitable project of the HNCO is Qurbani, which is used to describe the sacrifice of an animal. Qurbani is done by adults who are able to afford the sacrifice and who are of sound mind. The animals that can be sacrificed are sheep, goats, buffalo, or cattle. These animals need to be in good health and are free from disabilities, sicknesses or handicaps.

It should be noted that monetary donations can be used instead. Organisations like HNCO are there to accept donations that can be used for the purchase of an animal that is suitable for sacrifice. It should also be noted that Qurbani prices can vary depending on the country where the slaughter of the animal will be done. Individuals may need to consult with their mosque in order to look for an appropriate organisation to help them with their Qurbani donations.

Hajjah Naziha was born in Damascus and has been a teacher of women since the early 1990s. She has served as writer for The Muslim Magazine, chairwoman for the Kamilat Muslim Women’s Organisation, and as co-chair of the International Islamic Unity Conference (Women’s Interests) in Washington, DC.

Those who require more information about the charitable projects being undertaken by HNCO can visit their website or contact them by phone or via email.


For more information about Hajjah Naziha Charity, contact the company here:

Hajjah Naziha Charity
Gulshan Rehan
98-100 Colne Rd, Brierfield, Nelson BB9 5NN

ReleaseID: 60029177

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