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Handsome Genius Publishes A Comprehensive Guide To The Most Common Business Website Mistakes

Copywriter and marketing consultant James Mawson – who trades as “Handsome Genius” – has rounded up the most common business website mistakes, with advice on how to put them right.

Handsome Genius Publishes A Comprehensive Guide To The Most Common Business Website Mistakes

Melbourne, Australia – June 15, 2016 /MarketersMedia/

There was a time when a business website was considered to be a virtual business card – a place where important details were written for interested parties to find. In 2016, the bar is set rather higher. A business website must at once encapsulate the brand, engage and hold attention, move potential customers toward a sale, and provide a seamless experience. And along the way, people make mistakes. In nearly a decade of online marketing consultancy, James Mawson has seen many of them time and time again. He has collated a list of the most common mistakes on business websites.

The article (http://www.handsomegenius.com.au/businesswebsitemistakes.html) is presented with a short introduction followed by a hyperlinked list of more than thirty different mistakes. This enables readers to scan the contents and shortlist what they feel they might be doing wrong, before clicking the mistakes to find out what they are, how they happened, and how they can be put right.

This resource is the latest piece of value-added content to hit the site, which regularly provides nuggets of insight and wisdom from consultant James Mawson. The articles themselves demonstrate best practice, in a no-nonsense style that’s easy to put into practice. In this way, he demonstrates -at once both showing and telling- why his work is so valuable.

James Mawson explains, “This resource is for any small or medium business or start-up venture that is launching or maintaining a website. These common mistakes can be easily identified, and once you’re aware of them they can quickly be put right. This article covers a lot of ground, from technical problems through to user experience issues, and mistakes with how businesses communicate and present themselves online. The one thing these mistakes all have in common is they all cost you money and make your life worse. We look forward to helping a lot of businesses improve how they approach the web.”

About Handsome Genius: James Mawson is a freelance copywriter and web marketing consultant from Melbourne, Australia, providing the best in web content and strategy to small and medium businesses in Australia and North America. When he’s not too busy with client work, he shares his thoughts, ideas and insights gained over nearly a decade of experience, in a readable, accessible and engaging, no-nonsense style. The website is regularly updated with original, high quality content.

For more information, please visit http://www.handsomegenius.com.au/

Contact Info:
Name: James Mawson
Organization: Handsome Genius
Phone: +61421551080

Source: http://marketersmedia.com/handsome-genius-publishes-a-comprehensive-guide-to-the-most-common-business-website-mistakes/119520

Release ID: 119520

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