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Holzhauer Auto and Motorsports Adds Mahindra Tractors to Its Lineup

Best-selling tractor company joins 14 top-quality auto and motorsports brands at leading dealership, Holzhauer reports

NASHVILLE, Ill. – July 30, 2019 /MarketersMedia/

Holzhauer Auto and Motorsports, a leading seller of cars, boats, ATVs, motorcycles, and more, has added Mahindra tractors to its lineup. As an official Mahindra Dealer, Holzhauer Auto and Motorsports brings to the tractor trade the same low prices and top-quality service that have made it the favorite of so many for more than 60 years. In joining the 14 other carefully selected brands that Holzhauer already stocks and sells, Mahindra will open up useful, appealing new options for many of the company’s loyal customers in St. Louis and throughout Southern Illinois.

Each Mahindra Tractor currently in stock can be viewed at the Holzhauer website along with the company’s many other products. From the compact versatility of the Mahindra eMAX to the power and performance of the Mahindra 6075, shoppers of all kinds will be well accommodated by this highly regarded range of rugged, reliable tractors.

“We’re proud to report that we now stock, sell, and service Mahindra tractors,” said Holzhauer representative Bradley Maschhoff. “Since 1958, Holzhauer has been the region’s most trusted name in automobiles and motorsports. We only carry the best, most respected brands and always make sure that each contemplated addition to our lineup will serve our customers very well. Our clients have been asking us for years to start stocking tractors, and we’ve been listening. Mahindra tractors are the best there are, and we’re sure our customers are going to enjoy owning and using them.”

Active in its birthplace of India since 1963, Mahindra Tractors opened an American division, Mahindra USA, in 1994. That operation now boasts five American manufacturing plants, in addition to its Houston headquarters. Mahindra tractors range from relatively small, agile models intended for light work to heavy-duty units well-suited to commercial applications.

By adding Mahindra tractors to its extensive lineup of automobiles and motorsports vehicles, Holzhauer will make things simpler for many loyal customers. Being able to buy a top-quality tractor from a dealer renowned and trusted for so many years will be of great value to many in the company’s service area.

About Holzhauer Auto and Motorsports:

For more than 60 years, Holzhauer Auto and Motorsports has been committed to maintaining the lowest prices and providing the best service to each and every customer.

Contact Info:
Name: Bradley Maschhoff
Email: Send Email
Organization: Holzhauer Auto and Motorsports
Address: 17933 Holzhauer Auto Mall Dr
Phone: 6183274005
Website: https://www.holzhauerpromotorsports.com

Source URL: https://marketersmedia.com/holzhauer-auto-and-motorsports-adds-mahindra-tractors-to-its-lineup/88902293

Source: MarketersMedia

Release ID: 88902293

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