Home Remedies for Spring Allergies Article Reveals Surprising Facts And Solutions

Harmoni Health Inc’s latest article takes on misconceptions about spring allergies and sets the record straight with several useful facts and solutions for anyone who suffers from spring pollen allergies.
Calgary, Canada – April 28, 2015 /PressCable/ —
As part of their ongoing efforts to provide the best information on the nagging inconvenience of spring allergies, Harmoni Health Inc has published a new article entitled “Powerful Home Remedies for Spring Allergies” which sheds light on the most important aspects of treating spring allergies for anyone who suffers from pollen allergies or who has friends who suffer from them. Interested individuals can view the full article at https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/powerful-home-remedies-spring-allergies-dr-joanny-liu.
One of the most surprising pieces of information in the article is the fact that pollen is not the reason for spring pollen allergies but that it is only the physical trigger that indicates a weakness in that part of the body. The solution is to make that part of the body strong enough to overcome the allergies.
In discussing the article’s creation, Dr. Joanny Liu, Chief Optimism Creator, Doctor of Classical Chinese Medicine and Psychology, Speaker and Author of Harmoni Health Inc said,
“It’s important for people who suffer from annual spring allergies to realize that they can do something about them once and for all. The allergies have revealed a constitutional weakness in the body. We’re all born with them. We each have something different. Something can be done to make both mind and body stronger to overcome and therefore also prevent further allergic reactions. If you know why something happens then you can do something about it because the true cause is there in front of you. It will require effort but the home remedies for spring allergies in the article are very simple and powerful. The steps I give you will help you to confront the cause. Desire has to be deep and sincere about making themselves stronger in that area of their lives. I think people are ready to get off their medication. I think they’re ready to enjoy life again. But they have to both train their minds and their bodies in order to achieve the level of wellness that they want. These home remedies for spring allergies are a major step in the right direction. People can stop avoiding the best time of year – it’s time for self improvement and personal growth and this is as good as any place to start. In the end, that’s what healing requires. Change and growth and good health come hand-in-hand.”
Anyone who suffers from spring pollen allergies can find the most up-to-date version of the article at https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/powerful-home-remedies-spring-allergies-dr-joanny-liu. Customers who have specific questions past, present, or future articles contact Harmoni Health Inc via their website: www.drjoanny.com
For more information about us, please visit http://www.drjoanny.com
Contact Info:
Name: Dr. Joanny Liu
Email: drjoanny@shaw.ca
Organization: Harmoni Health Inc
Address: 71 Edgepark Way NW
Phone: 403 282 8116
Release ID: 80586