How Craig Tuttle Marketing’s SEO Services Proudly Risked Defying Convention

Craig Tuttle Marketing has defied convention in the SEO market with the release of SEO Services. Further information can be found at their website at
Rochester, NY, United States – June 26, 2015 /PressCable/ —
Craig Tuttle Marketing today reflected on its release of Best Rochester SEO Services 2 Years ago, which was in development for 5 Years. The main aim was always to completely change the way companies think about SEO by getting them ranked on page 1 ahead of their competition with multiple listings. … and by defying convention, this the best way to get a website ranked on page one of the search engines.
Craig Tuttle, Owner at Craig Tuttle Marketing, says: “We wanted to try something new with SEO Services. Anyone familiar with the SEO market will probably have noticed how everyone else always seemed to give cookie-cutter services without exploring each site’s individual needs. They charge monthly and provide the same services to every client. Then if the client threatens to leave or does leave, they take away the work they provided for the client. It’s their way of holding that client hostage so that they stay with them. . We felt this was a problem in the industry because every website is different. Every niche is different with different levels of competition. We don’t take every company that applies to work with us. But the ones we do, we have a 6-month contract where we guarantee first-page rankings within that 6-month time period. .”
So as a welcome breath of fresh air, these SEO Services instead guarantee first-page rankings within 6 months. And the company won’t hold the client hostage after that 6 months or threaten to take away any rankings if the client leaves. After that 6 months is up, the client and Craig Tuttle Marketing part ways and the company keeps the first-page rankings. Craig Tuttle Marketing chose to make this move because they know that they can rank a website in 6 months. And they don’t want their clients feeling like they are being held hostage with a monthly payment for life. There are clear expectations set from the beginning. The client’s site will rank by the end of that 6 months. Period.
Craig Tuttle also said “We want to give our customers options. With our SEO Services, they have a fresh new possibility. We want them to feel safe in knowing that they are working with one of the best SEOs around. Not one that practices in theory or testing. I have had multiple agencies outsource their SEO work to me because I can rank websites. I get results. So I want the customer to know that they are working with a professional in the industry when using our SEO Services. Trying something new is always a risk, but it’s a risk we believe is worth taking.”
Craig Tuttle Marketing has been in business for 2 years, being established in April 2013. Since Day 1 it has always aimed to stand out from the crowd, while also providing its customers the best possible experience at the best possible value
This isn’t the first time Craig Tuttle Marketing has defied convention either. In the beginning of this year they begab to realize that making clients pay month to month was just not working so they changed the whole model. The only precursor they have is that the potential client fill out a Discovery Form. This is in place to provide Craig Tuttle Marketing with all the pertinent information pertaining to the company’s web presence. In exchange, Craig Tuttle Marketing provides the company with a very thorough, free analysis of where the company stands with its online presence and what it will take to achieve the goals they are looking to achieve online. It caused a little bit of a stir when because they have completely shaken up the way SEO is typically done.
The Best Rochester SEO Service is now available at Craig Tuttle Marketing. To find out more, please visit
For further information about Craig Tuttle Marketing, all this can be discovered at
For more information about us, please visit
Contact Info:
Name: Craig Tuttle
Organization: Craig Tuttle Marketing
Phone: (585) 281-5441
Release ID: 85346