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How Much Is My Slip And Fall Case Worth?

Boca Raton, FL, USA, 11/20/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

Boca slip and fall accident attorney, Joe Osborne, knows that when clients who have suffered slip and fall accidents often want to know what their claim might be worth should they pursue the claim. While every slip and fall case is different, and there is no way to determine an exact amount for a specific case beforehand, there are some common damages that are typically sought that may provide you with an idea of what you can expect.

Damages That Can Be Sought in a Slip and Fall Claim

Assuming that you have a valid claim for your slip and fall case, you can expect that the following damages will be sought:

Medical Bills – When you are calculating your injury damages for your slip and fall claim, you can generally count on your claim being worth at least the amount of your present and future medical expenses.

Pain and Suffering – You may also be entitled to pain and suffering for your slip and fall claim. Depending on the seriousness and permanency of your injuries, the attorneys and insurance adjusters will typically come up with some multiplier to use (with the amount of your medical expenses) when seeking damages for your physical and mental pain and suffering. Of course, that doesn’t necessarily mean that is what you will be awarded, as it is usually a jury who decides what you will get.

Lost Wages – If you missed work because of your injuries, you are entitled to recover the value of your lost wages.

Loss of Earning Capacity – If your injury is so serious that you will not be able to return to the profession that you had prior to your accident, then you may be entitled to compensation for your loss earning capacity.

Incidental Expenses – You may be able to seek damages for additional, incidental expenses that you incur due to your injury. For example, if you have to travel a long distance for medical care, your travel expenses (gas mileage, etc.) may be recoverable.

Get Help from a Florida Slip and Fall Accident Attorney

The best outcome for your financial recovery in a slip and fall accident case is possible when you have an experienced slip and fall accident lawyer to represent you. If you or a loved one has been in a slip and fall accident, contact slip and fall attorney Joe Osborne today at (561) 293-2600, for an evaluation of your case and advice on how to proceed.

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Read the full story at https://newsreleases.submitpressrelease123.com/2017/11/20/how-much-is-my-slip-and-fall-case-worth/

ReleaseID: 25710

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