How to Tell What is Being Said About Your Company on Twitter
Dallas, TX – July 8, 2015 – Submit Press Release 123 / Three considerations for monitoring your business brand for effective Twitter marketing.
Twitter is one of the leading social media platforms used by businesses today to direct traffic to their website. Social media marketing experts have long emphasized the importance of utilizing tools that help track marketing efforts on Twitter so that businesses can measure the success of their campaigns. Many, however, feel they already have limited time to focus on increasing their engagement on Twitter as is. Therefore finding the time to track what is being said about their brand on the top social network after they have worked on building their presence may feel like something that is completely out of the question.
Social media marketing expert Sarah Beacom of SocialCentiv, recently outlined tips that could help businesses in this arena on her company’s blog. According to Beacom, it is vital that businesses do not overlook such a critical component to their Twitter marketing activities because, “If your business is active on social media, it’s likely that Twitter is one of the leading referrers of traffic to your website under social media referrals.”
Brand monitoring on Twitter should be viewed as a task important enough to make time for. Without getting some idea of how prospective customers are viewing a business’ branding messages, it is virtually impossible to assess the most effective ways to reach them.
The following are three key items to observe for effective brand monitoring on Twitter:
- Brand mentions – According to Beacom, “From at-mentions to simply typing the company’s name, it’s possible that your brand is being mentioned on Twitter more than you know. It’s possible to track Twitter for mentions of your company through social listening tactics” like those made available by SocialCentiv’s tool. Tracking mentions is beneficial for keeping up with conversations and formulating the best responses to potential customers.
- Brand referrals – Of brand referrals Beacom says, “So what about those who are linking to your website? Perhaps they’re sharing a blog post from your company’s website that they find interesting and relevant, but they’re not necessarily mentioning your company’s name in their tweet.” It is helpful to know which links that point back to your site are being shared regardless of whether your business name has been mentioned specifically.
- Industry mentions – With regard to industry mentions, Beacom further states “Brand monitoring doesn’t stop at what people are saying directly about your brand on Twitter. Focusing on a social search of industry-related conversations is important for keeping engaged in relevant conversations and finding new ways to connect with potential consumers on the social media platform.” With the use of a platform like SocialCentiv, businesses can identify which conversations are being had that relate to their specific offer or industry, and join in to reach prospects in larger numbers.
For businesses that feel they lack sufficient time to monitor these elements on their own, support is available from companies like SocialCentiv that specialize in providing resources to help businesses achieve higher level engagement on Twitter. SocialCentiv has developed a Twitter marketing tool that not only helps businesses connect with potential customers who express the intent to make a relevant purchase in real time, but also offers monitoring services to track progress.
More information about SocialCentiv, or the company’s current trial offer for test-driving the Twitter marketing tool can be found by visiting
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Macy English, SocialCenitv
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ReleaseID: 15714