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Human Centric approach in Online Marketing

From machine centric approach the online marketing moved to customer centric approach. Actually, we are dealing with humans, why do we forget that?

Marketing has always been about humans. The marketing plans, strategies, advertising campaign, email marketing campaigns, content marketing etc has always been directed towards humans. We can call them customers or we can address them as human. But lately marketers forgot that it’s humans with whom they were interacting.

The approach was to take the top spot on the search engine search results so the people searching could find their web pages. The machine centric or the search engine centric approach started to take route. This also suited the search engines as people in the urge of top ranking and visibility paid high for the PPC campaigns and fought for the top ranking in the organic search results.

Mobile changed the scenario where people who were actually behind all the clicking showed their muscle power, putting it into the brains of the search engine marketers that the foul play would no longer be accepted. They wanted value for their time spent on the search engine. Resulting in Google saying, “be relevant”.

So, now we have two pictures too look at

  1. Customer Centric Approach
  2. Human Centric Approach

Now this could be quite confusing. Customers are humans but ironically, marketer tend to treat customers in their online marketing a bit differently.

Jeremi Karnell of Marketing Profs sheds light on the above in his article below:

Embrace Irrationality: A Human- vs. Customer-Centric Approach to Marketing

“A new marketing paradigm is emerging—human-centric marketing, which is an

evolution of our current customer-centric approach. And it’s beginning to change the way

we are introduced to and form relationships with brands.

Before I define human-centric marketing and answer the question “why now?” it makes

sense to review why the consumer-centric approach to marketing is falling short:

  1. It views people as somewhat passive participants.
  2. It measures success by how much merchandise a consumer moves.
  3. Rising paradoxes have led consumers to seek more meaningful relations with brands”


Why is human centric approach important?

Time and again we talk about pressing the hot buttons of the targeted prospects. Repeatedly we are told address their burning issues when we are building or developing content. But at the same time we were taught to embed keywords and phrases to optimize the content for the search engines. In this process, the balancing between the human centric and machine centric got mixed up. Every small business owner, large business owner, corporates started to please the search engine as the rat race to be on the top got fierce.

Customer lagged behind and humans for whom the marketers were waging war on the web were forgotten.

Suddenly today, when web visitors started getting pissed off, from the not so relevant search results. Product and service marketing went towards social media providing “for the human, by the human’s” approach.The search engines and the search engine marketers realised that going back to the marketing school would be better for their future marketing endeavors.

The Birth Of A Human-Centric Marketing Approach

“The traditional customer-centric approach to marketing has evolved into an inspired

human-centric paradigm. This new approach views consumers as interactive

communicators with highly personal views, with its success rate gauged by the strength

of the customer relationship. This is in sharp contrast to the fading customer-centric

approach that viewed consumers as passive participants and measured success by the

amount of merchandise sold.”


Addressing humans, taking their emotions, their needs, their wants, their demographics and other elements that revolve around people.

People interact with brands, the established ones, due to couple of reasons:

Remember Cola Cola on saying “100 years of cold”. Simply put it told its consumers how refreshing the drink is when you are out there in the hot sun. Does it tickle you, yes, being human centric gets more clicks, more likes and more sale.

Newer brands must understand from the examples of the famous brands that it pays off to be human and brand management is all about understanding humans, their behavior, their likes and dislikes and yes, their burning issues which needs to get settled by purchasing your product.

Brand Management – It’s human-centric

“Marketing used to be the term that coined everything a business brand executed to

form and maintain relationships. However, with the paradigm shifts within marketing

comes a more human-centric approach… Brand Management.”


It is the marketing approach that has been talked about above. If your internet marketing strategy is still now working for you, let Qamar Zaman, the Dallas based content marketing expert evaluate for your web pages and your online marketing plan for free.

Qamar Zaman

Dallas SEO and Content Marketing Services



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Read the full story at http://newsreleases.submitpressrelease123.com/2015/11/12/human-centric-approach-in-online-marketing/

ReleaseID: 17569

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