IC Media Direct Stresses the Effect of Google Reviews on a Company
A helpful tool for online reputation management is to take advantage of every social media platform available.
New York, NY – May 30, 2018 /MarketersMedia/ —
Google searching is hands down the go-to move for anyone searching for any company or brand, and what Google brings up can make or break someone’s opinion instantly. Brands that have taken many years and millions of dollars to cultivate can be harmed with negative postings in a matter of minutes. New York-based IC Media Direct is a specialist in reputation management and has honed the art of working with Google algorithms to minimize negative results while boosting brand-positive messages to a higher page ranking.
Asked about the secrets of a stellar online reputation, one of ICMD’s leading marketing specialists reveals why Google plays such a crucial role in today’s Internet-driven society. “The first step to effectively managing your online reputation is to always assume that you will be Googled,” he explains. “This may seem rather obvious, but even this most basic fact is sometimes downplayed or overlooked until the time is too late and damage has been done. Assume that if a piece of information is online, it will be found eventually.”
Another helpful tool for online reputation management is to take advantage of every social media platform available. Thus, in addition to managing Google searches, IC Media Direct takes control over all major Social Media platforms on behalf of their clients to further boost their positive online presence. To strengthen that effect, the marketing experts at ICMD regularly post consistent, brand-cohesive messages. At the same time, clients can take up the opportunity to receive feedback through their social media accounts, communicate with existing or potential customers, and encourage them to spread the company’s message.
ICMediaDirect.com is the worldwide leader in reputation management and provides its professional services to companies and individuals in 49 different countries. The company was founded in 1996, two years before Google, and has been exceptionally successful at developing effective strategies that allow 100% control of search results.
IC Media Direct – Reputation Management: http://icmediadirectnews.com
ICMediaDirect Online – Reputation Management & Public Relations: http://icmediadirectonline.com
ICMediaDirect – Online Reputation Management & Reviews: http://icmediadirectreviews.com
Contact Info:
Name: ICMD
Email: pr@icmediadirect.com
Organization: ICMediaDirect.com
Video URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3QHOeY8qAM
Source URL: https://marketersmedia.com/ic-media-direct-stresses-the-effect-of-google-reviews-on-a-company/353641
For more information, please visit http://www.ICMediaDirect.com
Source: MarketersMedia
Release ID: 353641