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ICAE One Of Only 3 Education Evaluation Agencies Approved By UNESCO

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 09/18/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

UNESCO has extended its approval to the International Center for Academic Evaluation (ICAE).

ICAE is now one of only three academic evaluation member organizations with UNESCO approval.

The purpose of the UNESCO Policy on Education is to establish a standard for the cultivation of high-quality education worldwide that prepares students to enter into a global marketplace and cultivate international peace and understanding through education and industry. ICAE organized with the
understanding that there is no government oversight in the United States for academic evaluation across borders. For that reason, it is up to organizations to hold its members to a high standard of excellence.

ICAE does this by following the UNESCO standards for academic evaluation – whether it’s evaluating a program for national or regional accreditation or evaluating a foreign degree for US academic value.

ICAE is in compliance with the US Department of Education, UNESCO legally binding instruments and other guidelines for credential evaluation established internationally.

UNESCO has approved the organization because ICAE member agencies must undergo a rigorous vetting process to ensure they are up to ICAE standards of excellence. No ICAE members are primarily reliant on online databases for evaluation guidance, and every case is thoroughly researched. Member
agencies are also required to maintain their own up-to-date reference libraries to ensure each evaluation is carried out in a thorough and well-documented manner.

ICAE works with academic institutions and school boards to develop and evaluate programs and curriculum for accreditation in accordance with US Department of Education academic standards, as well as UNESCO academic standards.
It is important to be able to trust the accuracy of academic evaluations. Since there is no government oversight, ICAE relies on other trusted authorities as a foundation for thorough, accurate, and useful academic evaluations. As one of only three membership organizations with UNESCO approval, ICAE evaluations can be trusted to uphold international standards of excellence.

Most universities and licensing boards will only accept evaluations from organizations with UNESCO approval. Until recently, there were only two organizations that met this standard. Two options are not adequate for a mission of global scope. Now, ICAE offers another option. With professors all over the world, ICAE offers a unique global insight for program and curriculum development and evaluation necessary in a world where the global marketplace permeates nearly every industry.

For more information on ICAE or to work with the organization on credential evaluation or curriculum development and evaluation, visit academicevaluation.org.

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Read the full story at https://newsreleases.submitpressrelease123.com/2017/09/18/icae-one-of-only-3-education-evaluation-agencies-approved-by-unesco/

ReleaseID: 25237

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