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Innovativ Media Group, Inc. Premium Channel Launched – Sales Up Over 7,000%, Strong EBITA Growth

MIAMI, FL / ACCESSWIRE / August 30, 2016 / Innovativ Media Group, Inc. (OTC Pink: INMG), new to EmergingGrowth.com, just announced that it is launching today the first of several planned niche premium online channels, HPLovecraft.TV http://hplovecraft.tv, which will be the exclusive streaming platform for the Company’s new, original animated series “Mountain of Madness” based on the novella “At the Mountains of Madness”.

See the latest news on Innovativ Media Group, Inc. (OTC Pink: INMG) at EmergingGrowth.com


Innovativ Media Group, Inc. (OTC Pink: INMG), new to EmergingGrowth.com, today announced another record financial result today for the Quarter ending June 30, 2016.

In the 2nd Quarter the Company’s revenues substantially increased to $49,322 compared with just $625 in the corresponding Quarter from 2015 and the Company generated EBITA of $7,172 compared with a prior period loss of ($6,116.). Revenues in the first six months of the year were $95,201 with earnings before amortization of $14,140.

The Company plans on launching the first of its premium online channels in the 3rd Quarter and expects it to positively impact revenues in the 4th Quarter.

According to OTC Markets, as of August 26, 2016, Innovativ Media Group, Inc. has a market cap just over $400,000.

See the latest news on Innovativ Media Group, Inc. (OTC Pink: INMG) at EmergingGrowth.com


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SOURCE: EmergingGrowth.com

ReleaseID: 444519

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