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Invokana Lawsuit, Filed in the Southern District of Alabama, Claims Side Effects of Ketoacidosis & Kidney Damage

April 24, 2016 – – TheProductLawyers.com comments on an Invokana lawsuit filed against Johnson & Johnson subsidiary, Janssen Pharmaceuticals. The lawsuit (case number 1:15-cv-00636), filed in the Southern District of Alabama, claims Invokana caused the development of ketoacidosis in a diabetic patient who had taken the drug. The lawsuit further states that the plaintiff began taking the Type II Diabetes drug in December 2014 and very quickly developed the condition which can be life-threatening.

Ketoacidosis occurs when toxic acids are found in the bloodstream in high quantities. Unfortunately, the condition can become extremely serious very quickly, with patients falling into a coma or even dying within only 24 hours of onset. Because of the speed at which these conditions can occur, the FDA has asked patients to be vigilant about the condition and the symptoms that they may experience. These symptoms often include nausea and vomiting, frequent urination, excessive thirst, shortness of breath and confusion, however unlike with normal occurrences of ketoacidosis they may occur without excessively high blood sugar.

In this instance, the patient states that she was not made aware of the potential side effects of the drug as it relates to ketoacidosis. She claims that she was not told that it was a possibility and yet that Janssen Pharmaceuticals must have known that it was as a result of their clinical trials and other patient reports. Therefore, she is claiming that there was negligence on the part of the company in not passing this information on to patients so they could be fully prepared.The FDA has ordered the manufacturer to include a new warning label with the drug which provides a better understanding of the possible link between taking the drug and developing diabetic ketoacidosis.

For more information about the Invokana lawsuits, or this press release, please contact TheProductLawyers.com on 888-997-3792.


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ReleaseID: 60009496

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