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Joe Nielsen Offers 5 Benefits for Securing Private Money for Commercial Real Estate Investments

September 14, 2015 – – Salt Lake City, UT / AccessWire / September 15, 2015 / As the premier domestic and international capital lending firm based in Utah, Clear Capital Group is committed to not only funding and quickly closing commercial loans for its clients but also educating the growing demographic of commercial investors about the benefits and changes available today.

Joe Nielsen, a Managing Partner of the firm says it’s vital for both seasoned investors and especially new investors to understand the various benefits offered via funding a project or deal with private commercial money.

The tumultuous economy has caused traditional commercial lenders like banks and institutions to restrict lending on investment deals and projects. “If your specific deal does not fit into their predetermined lending box you can forget about getting funds through the traditional avenues,” says Joe.

With these doors closed it has provided a massive learning opportunity for investors to better understand what makes private lenders so much easier than large banks.

When asked, “How do investors know they can get their deal funded?” Joe said, “A viable project can typically be determined to be so within 48 to 72 business hours from initial submission. The key is having all the right information to begin with.”

The first benefit of private money from Clear Capital Group is a simple submission template their clients can use to quickly organize the details of the deal for a quick evaluation by the analysis team. “By using this system, investors in need of funding have a much higher chance of getting funds quickly,” says Joe.

The second benefit he mentions is that each and every deal is unique. Being flexible and creative is the hallmark of private lending. Unlike traditional loans Clear Capital Group and its partners can, based on each scenario craft a lending package for each and every deal.

Another less obvious benefit to the borrower is that private money lenders typically have limited overhead and less red-tape enabling them to commit and release funds quickly. They also simplify their loan processes allowing borrowers to benefit aiding them in tackling more deals in a shorter amount of time and frequently turn over their funds creating a profitable velocity of capital.

The fourth and very important thing for borrowers to be aware of is that there will be fewer headaches throughout the loan application process because private commercial lenders are “private.” Fewer lending requirements and a simplified process greatly reduce the headache for both borrowers and lenders involved.

Highly regulated and over-burdened with endless red tape, traditional bank loans are too complex and discourage even the most qualified deals from being funded.

The fifth benefit is that closing times are typically quicker than traditional lenders. “Always keep in mind that initial time frames outlined on a term sheet are estimates only. And that closing times are largely dependent on the borrower providing the requested items in a timely manner.” says Joe.

There may also be third party appraisal reports, licensing and other processes beyond the control of both the lender and borrower; however, those aspects of the loan process that are under the control of the lender and the borrower can get done very quickly resulting in a quicker close.

Lastly, Joe Nielsen advises that knowing where to find reputable and legitimate lending firms is paramount in getting your deal funded quickly and avoid losing time and capital by working with scams or non-direct parties.


Contact Clear Capital Group:

Joe Nielsen
Utah, United States

ReleaseID: 60004142

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