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Johanessburg Residents Say That Dianetics Counselling Brings Relief from Traumatic Experiences

Recently, a unique trauma and grief counseling workshop in Johanessburg, empowered community counselors with simple social and spiritual support tools to help others recover from the overwhelming and sometimes deadly mental pressures of life.

Randburg, Gauteng, South Africa – March 2, 2024

Recently, a unique trauma and grief counseling workshop in Joburg, empowered community counselors with simple social and spiritual support tools to help others recover from the overwhelming and sometimes deadly mental pressures of life. The Dianetics Workshop, organized by the Church of Scientology in the Johannesburg area, received praise from community members as they claimed that it gave them their lives back from the clutches of trauma and grief.  

The word Dianetics comes from dia, the Greek word for “through,” and nous, Greek for “mind” or “soul.” Is most accurately described as what the soul is doing to the body through the mind.

The 2-day long workshop enabled the attendees to quickly learn how to use Dianetics procedures to counsel each other to overcome their grief and trauma. The closely supervised training creates sustainable and accessible relief from trauma and grief for the many in South Africa who need it and are tired of unworkable solutions. 

Martha Mlambo, who has been counseling many in her community, felt that what she was doing wasn’t working as people always came back with the same problem after months of therapy. However, after attending this workshop, she regained optimism to push on. She said “This seminar was a big step in my life. I have counseled many people in the past, without knowing the correct code of conduct. I always ended up crying with them feeling their pain and not knowing what to do. I used to give up on them, especially with married couples. Now I have gained back all my courage. I will continue helping people because now I have this chance to give them life with Dianetics.”

With reports stating that over 2 million South Africans experience anxiety, depression, stress, grief, and many other forms of mental stress that accompany life, the Dianetics Foundation has been working extra hard to bring solutions to many South Africans suffering amidst the current unemployment rate, crime rate, gender-based violence and many other social issues that plague our nation. For many who said that life was dim, they now report a light at the end of the tunnel.

The book, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health has been circulating through thousands of hands in the country and readers have been reporting about an incredible boost in mental and emotional stability.

Martha is not the only one who has expressed lasting relief from Dianetics. Across South Africa, thousands more continue to express satisfaction with this social and spiritual counseling tool. Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, a top bestselling book on the mind ever written, is bringing mental joy and relief from the trauma and grief that comes from life. This is according to Tony Peacock, Deputy Executive Director of the Church of Scientology in Randburg, who has experienced many people change their lives after being relieved from the burdens of mental issues.  

Another woman’s experience showed that although one can get comfortable with pain, that doesn’t mean one should and for her the answer was simple. The mother of two, after several hours of Dianetics counseling, reported that she had fixed a sleeping problem that she had been struggling with for 5 years.

An accountant who had been struggling with various work and life stresses, after 36 hours of Dianetics counselling said that his life was now better. He described the relief he experienced through Dianetics. “I have suddenly become calmer, more stable and this has done more for me than several years of previous therapies I had tried”.

A mother from Gauteng, who lost two of her sons to drugs, said “I couldn’t talk to anyone about it, not even my husband. It felt like a heavy stone was sitting in my chest and I could feel it squashing every breath I took.” She described her Dianetics session and how she could feel the weight lift off. She experienced tremendous relief. “I am no longer held back by my loss but I cherish the moments I got to be with my sons.”

“The Dianetics seminar has helped me to feel strong and powerful,” said another woman who lost her husband during the pandemic in 2020. “I had so much anger towards everybody. I felt sick all the time. Dianetics has helped me with so many things, and in only two days,” she added. 

“This is something that we need in this area,” said another woman who once attended the seminar. With traumatic incidents affecting all segments of the community, she feels everyone needs access to Dianetics, not only widows. 

Auditing, which comes from the Latin word audire, means “to listen.” A Dianetics auditor (meaning one who listens) guides another person through incidents of pain and painful emotion using simple steps described in the book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health by L. Ron Hubbard.

“You don’t have to live with the trauma and grief. There is a solution to permanently get relief from those unpleasant experiences. It is drug-free and works. People are more than welcome to come and find out more from us,” concluded Tony who is spearheading the movement for better mental health using Dianetics. 

Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health was originally published on May 9, 1950. More than 50,000 copies sold immediately and the book soared onto the New York Times bestseller list, where it remained for 28 consecutive weeks. With over 300 million copies of his works in circulation, L. Ron Hubbard has inspired a movement millions strong, spanning six continents. Described as a guide to the human mind, the book is an easy step-by-step procedure to understanding and getting rid of the unwanted traumatic experiences that make life hard.

About the company: Since 1981, we have served a growing congregation in Johannesburg North. Johannesburg holds an exceptional place in Scientology history. For it was in Johannesburg that the Founder of our religion, L. Ron Hubbard, made his home in the early 1960s and worked to bring the spiritual freedom of Scientology to our nation. Above all, it was here he sought to revitalise the indomitable African spirit—a spirit which, once sparked, could burn forth throughout the world and thus realise his prediction and his dream: “From Southern Africa will spring the next great civilisation on this planet.”

Contact Info:
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Address: Gauteng, South Africa
Phone: +27 061 907 9325
Website: https://www.castlekyalami.org.za/

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Video URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dt9SyNpirdo

Release ID: 89122986

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