Joseph McClendon Reveals How To Be More Confident Like Presidential Candidates
Joseph McClendon III has today released a free report on How To Be More Confident titled The #1 Easy Trick For Unstoppable Self-Confidence In 7 Days Or Less! For those interested in downloading the report at no cost, it is currently available at

Newport Beach, USA – March 29, 2016 /PressCable/ —
Joseph McClendon III and his new organization 724Shine has today released a free report titled: “The #1 Easy Trick For Unstoppable Self-Confidence In 7 Days Or Less!”. This report aims to provide a step-by-step proven method for how to be confident. It also aims to ensure every reader walks away with the tools they need to build a powerful self-image and unshakable self-confidence.
Love them or hate them, the one thing that all of the candidates in the current U.S. Presidential race have in common is their self certainty, their confidence and their unique ability to transfer that confidence into their audiences in their speeches and debates. The same holds true for any profession, skill or talent where human beings excel beyond the norm and create extraordinary lives for themselves and those that they influence.
Not only do they have self-confidence in common, they also build their self-confidence using the same simple method that Joseph says is revealed in his new free report.
The report has been made openly available and at no cost from Joseph McClendon III and by 724Shine. It’s available to the general public, business owners, athletes, entrepreneurs and anyone with an interest in overcoming low self-esteem, shyness, intimidation or simply want to know how to be more confident.
The report was also written with a specific focus on self-esteem, self-confidence and self-certainty since Joseph McClendon III, author of the report, believes “in today’s highly competitive and fast-paced world, it’s critical to be confident and certain that you can not only compete, but dominate and win and as part of my life’s mission and commitment, I felt this report would put a proven to work and easy to use method at your fingertips that you can use immediately.”
When asked about why they released the report at this time, Joseph McClendon III, CEO at 724Shine said: “After thousands of hours in personal coaching sessions with celebrities, athletes and CEO’s I’ve put into this report the #1 thing they all have in common and that they all do consistently to vibrate with unstoppable confidence every day. It’s simple to understand, easy to do and it’s an understatement to say you will build unstoppable confidence. The results will speak for themselves. So anyone looking to be more certain and experience more confidence must download and read this report immediately.”
Interested parties can find the report ready to download, for free, at
Joseph McClendon III founded Pro Sequence in 1996 and most recently introduced 724Shine. As one of the most sought after Ultimate Performance Specialists in the industry, his unique brand of “Tell, Show, Do” teaching and coaching creates rapid personal change that effectively moves people to take more consistent action and go “Further Faster” with their personal and business achievements.
Having performed hundreds of workshops, coaching sessions, seminars and training programs, one on one therapeutic interventions and presenting to well over 3 million people around the globe, his remarkable ability to go straight to the core of the challenge and effect rapid change makes him a unique commodity in Business, personal and health and wellness and personal improvement.
This unique position in life gives Joseph McClendon III the authority to produce such a report on How To Be More Confident and to give readers what really works in helping people move from day dreaming to dream achieving.
The free report aims to provide a step-by-step proven method for how to be confident. It gives valuable information to the reader that will ultimately benefit them by helping them rise above fears and limitations to new heights of success and achievement. This insight simply wouldn’t be possible, or the advice nearly as effective, without the over 20 years Joseph McClendon III spent in assisting people in overcoming their fears, phobias and emotional challenges that hindered their lives.
The Report “The #1 Easy Trick For Unstoppable Self-Confidence In 7 Days Or Less!” can be downloaded at
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Contact Info:
Name: Joseph McClendon III
Organization: 724Shine
Address: 24 Narbonne, Newport Beach, CA 92660
Release ID: 108777