KHAOS Control Launches an Inventory Management Campaign

The campaign highlights the importance of knowing one’s inventory and its movements for increased profits, reports
Grantham, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom – July 16, 2015 /MarketersMedia/ —
Controlling inventory remains a top priority of business owners, both big and small. Unfortunately, states most small businesses keep a critically low level of inventory on hand, with most keeping less than 29 days of product in stock. Inventory is considered an asset, yet it isn’t one that is easily converted into cash in many situations. For this reason, every business needs to consider making use of multi channel inventory management software. With this product, offered through KHAOS Control, businesses find they get a better grasp on what they have, what they need, what is moving and what isn’t.
“KHAOS Control provides real time, accurate stock control, by ensuring every sale, purchase and adjustment is captured by the software. This allows the business owner to know exactly how much they have on hand at any given time, and this takes place regardless of the number of sales channels or stock sites one maintains,” Mike Cockfield, founder of KHAOS Control, explains.
Carrying inventory comes with many costs. One must pay to store and insure these goods, to prevent losses in the event of damage. Taxes are assessed on these goods, even when they are sitting in a warehouse, and one runs the risk of having his or her inventory become obsolete before it makes it to the public. In addition, one needs to determine if the inventory is generating more profit than it is costing the company in terms of opportunity. One needs to determine if this money will best be spent on more product or if it will do more good to use the funds on advertising or hiring new staff.
“One major benefit of using this program is it allows companies to know exactly which products are selling and which are sitting on shelves. The built-in accountability functions along with the real-time stock value calculations enable a business owner to determine where the most profits are and order accordingly. A business owner can now know exactly how much profit they will make off of an order before they hit the send button to transmit it to their suppliers,” Cockfield continues.
Business owners must also consider the needs of their target audience when deciding how much inventory to keep on hand. Customers, when purchasing a product, want to have it immediately, in most cases. When a business doesn’t have this product, they tend to go elsewhere. Businesses need to take this into account when purchasing stock to find the right balance between too little and too much.
“KHAOS Control takes this a step further and offers drop shipping, to help companies reduce costs while still meeting the needs of their clients. When an order is placed, the software generates a purchase order and forwards it to the appropriate supplier complete with despatch documentation, allowing the company to efficiently manage their fulfillment tasks while satisfying clients in a timely manner. Businesses benefit in numerous ways, thanks to this feature, and it is only one of many one obtains when they purchase this inventory software. Every company should check it out today,” Cockfield states.
About KHAOS Control:
Mike Cockfield envisioned developing high-quality, powerful and feature-rich business solutions to help companies unlock their full potential, and this dream led to the creation of KHAOS Control. He founded this company in 2000 to develop, sell and support the software needed to help companies achieve their goals and quickly found help would be needed as his business took off. Today the company offers a multi-channel retail, order and inventory management solution for both business to business and business to consumer organizations.
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Contact Info:
Name: Mike Cockfield
Organization: KHAOS Control
Phone: 0845 257 5111
Release ID: 86925