LaPorte Law Firm Launches New SSDI and SSI Public Awareness Campaign
New initiative aims to help teach disabled Californians how they can improve their chances of securing support, LaPorte Law Firm reports

San Francisco, CA – April 30, 2016 /MarketersMedia/ —
LaPorte Law Firm, one of the country’s leading SSDI and SSI practices, launched a new public awareness campaign. With genuinely disabled people throughout California facing long wait times for hearings and often receiving capricious-seeming decisions thereafter, the new LaPorte Law Firm will help many understand how to improve their chances of success while speeding the process along. The Social Security Disability system has been called by the White House Office of Management and Budget “an important and vital lifeline to millions of American workers and their families,” and the new LaPorte Law Firm campaign will help disabled Californians understand how to gain access to this important form of assistance and others.
“Whether because of an on-the-job accident or a debilitating illness that strikes out of nowhere, the Social Security Disability Insurance system is a crucial safety net for millions of responsible Americans,” LaPorte Law Firm founder and leading San Francisco Disability Lawyer Terry LaPorte said, “Unfortunately, fewer than a third of those who seek support from the system in California receive it at a first hearing, and it can take many months for an appeal to go through. Our new public awareness campaign is going to help people all over the state understand what they can do to improve the odds for themselves and their families.”
Deemed disabled to the extent that they are unable to work full-time or even at all, nearly nine million Americans last year received payments under the Social Security Disability Insurance system, according to the Social Security Administration’s own reckoning. Of the 2.4 million nationwide who applied for the first time, though, well under a third were actually approved at their initial hearings. Whether because of not having their documentation in order or failing to make a strong enough case, a large majority of those who seek assistance from the system are at least initially turned away.
The new LaPorte Law Firm will help Californians better understand these issues, what they can do to account for and overcome them, and recognize other important sources of support. With a wealth of informative resources online now at, anyone seeking to understand how SSDI works and how best to manage the process will find plenty of useful information.
Visitors to the site will also learn about typically less well-known options, such as the Treasury-funded Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program that serves those with the greatest needs. In order to successfully Apply for SSI San Francisco residents must overcome many of the same kinds of challenges inherent in SSDI, in addition to a number specific to the former.
As California’s leading disability law firm, LaPorte Law Firm also provides personalized, one-on-one counsel and representation to those who have become disabled. With offices in San Francisco and throughout Northern California, as well as in Reno, Nevada, and in Honolulu, the LaPorte Law Firm has provided many with the personal attention and effective representation they deserve.
About LaPorte Law Firm:
As California’s leading SSDI and SSI specialist, LaPorte Law Firm provides clients with personal attention and highly effective representation from initial filing to hearings and appeals.
For more information about us, please visit
Contact Info:
Name: Laura Best
Organization: LaPorte Law Firm
Phone: 866-414-4415
Release ID: 113049