Leading Accounting Outsourcing Firm Boosts Reliability with Internal Promotions
BOSS (Back Office Shared Services), a top Australian and New Zealand virtual worker company known for accounting outsourcing tasks, has upped their commitment to quality assurance with two new promotions.
Lindfield, Australia – July 4, 2017 /PressCable/ —
BOSS (Back Office Shared Services), a top Australian and New Zealand virtual worker company known for accounting outsourcing tasks, has upped their commitment to quality assurance with two new promotions. Kiran Kumar and Chinmaya Hegde will be showing up to work with the new titles and responsibilities of Reviewers, which means clients will enjoy an enhanced and more timely workflow in regards to their files.
Promotion from within: BOSS already claims a rigorous quality assurance program. Clients who are outsourcing accounting work can expect their files to be handled by virtual workers who are certified to handle any accounting work that is covered by Australia and New Zealand’s tax codes and regulations.
In addition, all new BOSS overseas employees must have their work reviewed for a mandatory six month period. This is where new appointees Kiran and Chinmaya come into the picture. They will be going step-by-step over files submitted by apprentice hires and are responsible for training the hires in how to adapt to the needs of individual clients.
BOSS’ Client Relationship and Marketing Manager Lee Court comments on why BOSS prefers to promote from within: “Ephemeral words like ‘family’ get bandied about when it comes to internal promotions, but the company prefer to work with something a little more concrete.
“BOSS accrue benefits from internal promotion – they don’t have to spend money on job advertising, HR hunts, training, etc. More importantly however, their clients benefit from the fact that when they’re outsourcing accounting jobs to the company their files are being worked on by people who know that quality work is going to get them noticed.
“Chinmaya and Kiran are prime examples of this ideal – they turned in spot-on work that helped their Australian and New Zealand clients increase their profits. Their work ethic and quality is now going to be guiding and shaping the next generation of BOSS hires who will in turn be inspired to boost their clients’ bottom lines.”
Constant self-improvement: Overseas team members are given one essential goal when they sign on with BOSS – aid their clients with their expansion goals. The more BOSS’ clients save by outsourcing accounting work (bookkeeping, tax compliance, etc.), the greater the chance they will be able to grow their own business.
To ensure that they can offer clients as much aid as possible BOSS’ employees, in addition to the six-month review procedure, also:
– Go through a 1-month induction process.
– Are tasked with constantly updating their knowledge of tax issues via the ATO portal and the CCH tax library.
– Enjoy ongoing training throughout their employment with BOSS.
– Tap the knowledge of experienced on-hand accountants like Chinmaya and Kiran.
About BOSS: BOSS is a Practice Entity Member of the Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand. Founded in 2004 and based in Lindfield, NSW, BOSS aims to help local businesses achieve their expansion goals via cost-efficient high-quality outsourced accounting services.
Contact Info:
Name: Lee Court
Email: enquiries@boz.com.au
Organization: BOSS (Back Office Shared Services) Pty Ltd
Address: Suite 2, 345 Pacific Highway, Lindfield, New South Wales 2070, Australia
For more information, please visit https://boz.com.au/
Source: PressCable
Release ID: 199346