Learning Toy Company Click-A-Brick Says Second Set Sales Strong

Sales of the Click-A-Brick Army Defenders learning toy set have been strong during its first month of availability, the company’s co-founders have announced. The pair said they were pleasantly surprised by the strong sales showing of their second available set.
Las Vegas, United States – May 30, 2015 /PressCable/ —
Opening month sales of the Click-A-Brick Army Defenders set have been stronger than anticipated, Co-Founders Jason Smith and Georg de Gorostiza have announced. While below the sales numbers of its initial offering, the Animal Kingdom Safari set, the pair said that is to be expected considering the Christmas release of the first set and the quieter spring release of its second offering.
Released in early April, the 100-piece Army Defenders set has already moved hundreds of units in its first month and, similar to the Animal Kingdom Safari set, it has surpassed the company’s sales goals, although to a lesser extent than when their first set surpassed its sales goals by a wide margin.
“The one thing we’ve learned so far about running this company is that we have to start setting more ambitious sales goals,” Click-A-Brick Co-Founder Jason Smith said. “I’m only half joking about that, too. We wanted to be ambitious when we started this company and set ourselves challenging goals to reach. The fact that we’ve managed to meet them easily is nice, but it’s also been a double edged sword. We don’t want to get lulled into a false sense of security that we’re just really good at marketing Click-A-Brick, so we’ll have to consider upping our sales goals in the future.”
While the Army Defenders set was released near Easter, the co-founders don’t believe that holiday — which isn’t primarily associated with gift giving — had much of an impact on the Army Defenders set’s strong sales. Their numbers show that the set’s good sales numbers likely have more to do with generating brand loyalty, as they show that many customers who purchased the second set also purchased the first one.
Generating this kind of brand loyalty is important and goes a long way toward driving strong opening sales, Smith says, and is something the company aims to cultivate as it continues to release learning toy sets.
“We think people were excited when they heard the Army Defenders set was coming out and we want them to be equally as excited for any new Click-A-Brick products that they hear about,” Smith said. “Ultimately, we’d like to see a bit of a surge early on as the real brand fans snap up the new sets and settle into a steady flow as new people discover Click-A-Brick. That’s kind of wishful thinking at this point, but all goals have to start somewhere.”
The brand’s next offering will be the simultaneous release of a 30-piece set with a tropical birds theme and a 100-piece set with a construction vehicle theme. With a summer release date tentatively set for June, the company wants to continue the trend of its strong sales starts.
For more information about us, please visit http://www.ClickABrickToys.net
Contact Info:
Name: Rob Swystun
Email: fun@clickabricktoys.net
Organization: Click-A-Brick Toys LLC
Phone: 855-976-3664
Release ID: 82550