Learning Toy Company Founders Laud the Efforts of the Nonprofit Playworks

The founders of the educational toy company Click-A-Brick laud the efforts of the national nonprofit Playworks in prioritizing recess time and ensuring a positive school experience for every kid.
Las Vegas, United States – August 28, 2015 /MarketersMedia/ —
Playworks is a national nonprofit whose mission is to improve the health and well-being of children. They aim to accomplish this goal by advocating for an increase in available opportunities for physical activity. They also aim to provide for safe and meaningful play.The non profit currently serves more than 900 schools in 23 U.S. cities. It reaches over half a million students directly and through its network of professional training services.
The organization was founded by Jill Vialet in 1996. The vision of Playworks is to change the concept of recess. They want to correct the misconception that recess is the most chaotic period of the school day, where children return to class upset and unable to focus. Instead, their mission is to make recess a positive and productive time for all kids.
The Co-Founder of the learning toy company Click-A-Brick Jason Smith praises their mission. “Recess should be fun and energetic and safe and inclusive for everyone,” Smith said. “It should be seen as a healthy and integral part of the school day. It’s a positive experience that carries with it positive effects beyond the playground. I see it with my own kids. I try to provide them every day with unstructured time for them to explore and be themselves. Our toy lines at Click-A-Brick are built on that same concept: allow kids to build and immerse themselves in a world of their own choosing.”
The vision of the nonprofit is for every child in America to have the opportunity to play every day. They aim to create a haven for every kid on the playground, a place where they feel like they belong belong and can have fun.
Georg de Gorostiza, Co-Founder of Click-A-Brick, believes in Playworks vision. “Recess is
an essential opportunity for children to explore their imaginations,” de Gorostiza said. “ It’s a place where they can relate to other kids, a place where they can grow emotionally and socially. I think that diminishing the opportunities for play is a zero sum game. Kids need to understand how to manage their own play time and how to make the most of it. This will foster greater independence and leadership among them. One of our missions at Click-A-Brick is to build these traits amongst our youth.”
Playworks has partnership with teachers, principals and parents in order to build a culture of play. They aim to enable kids to contribute not just on the playground but also in the classroom and in their communities.
For more information about us, please visit http://www.clickabricktoys.net
Contact Info:
Name: Javier Hernando
Organization: Click-A-Brick Toys LLC
Phone: 855-976-3664
Release ID: 89411