Life Assessment Services on Turbomachinery can save a business tens of millions of dollars.
VeriTech Labs, LLC is one of the few companies in the United States that are competitively active in this market. OEM companies are not competitive because Life Assessment cuts into their manufactured parts market.
March 4, 2016 /MM-prReach/ —
VeriTech Labs, LLC is the metallurgical part of a Life Assessment Services team known as FIRST. Don Norsworthy has 40 years of experience in the industry. FIRST has performed well over 60 Remaining Life Assessment (RLA) projects over the past 11 years…more than their combined US competition.
FIRST utilizes the most advanced technologies available for analysis and inspection. Two years ago, VeriTech Labs and the FIRST team saved a client 10 million dollars in new capital costs and additional millions in lost annual revenue by performing RLA on a Steam Turbine condemned by the OEM. VeriTech Labs, LLC is an independent contractor performing RLA on Turbomachinery, Outage Services, NDT, Borescope Inspection, Repair Technology, Metallurgy as well as other related services.
Third party expert witness, inspection and document review services are also available on components in repair shops. Remaining life assessment is proposed for components that are at risk due to OEM End-of-Life, Exposure to Excess Temperatures, Rubbing, Loss of Coating and Many Other Distresses. The benefits of Industrial Machinery Life Assessment include:
Reduction of Insurance Premiums.
Since Life Assessment is a form of risk assessment, it can be used to reduce the higher cost of insurance premiums on machines that have reached their design life.
Helping plan the spending in future capital costs.
Plant Managers, Maintenance Managers or, Reliability Managers for a Power Generation Plant, Refinery or Chemical Plant may consider the option of a remaining life assessment for componants. Contact Don for more information at dnorsworthy@satx.rr.comor 210-383-4404.
The OEM Design Life for high dollar capital equipment forces decisions between life extension and risk assessment. Hundreds of successful life extension projects have resulted in huge cost savings by postponing retirement and replacement. A typical small life extension project costs $150,000 against a new replacement cost of $600,000. An average life extension project costs $450,000 against $2,000,000. Larger life extension projects can cost $2,000,000 against $16,000,000.
Contact Info:
Name: Ira Rosen
Phone: 480-339-4300
Organization: MOJO Global
Release ID: 106056