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Marisa Murgatroyrd Uses Experience Products To Shake Up Information Marketing Industry

August 26, 2016 – – Live Your Message is a new business training company specializing in helping online entrepreneurs create businesses that are authentic, and empower them to turn up the dial on their “inner superhero”, so they can change the world from their living rooms.

Marisa Murgatroyd was tired of not seeing results as a documentary filmmaker, realizing that 95% of documentaries aren’t seen by more than 1,000 people. Murgatroyd had a message she wanted to get out to the masses, but the masses just weren’t finding her.

After 7 years of working in the nonprofit world, trying to spark change from the top down, Murgatroyd realized that the world doesn’t change from the top down, it changes from the bottom up.

This epiphany is what led her to launch Live Your Message.

“When you don’t help you customers see why this is so important to them and to their future…why would they continue when it gets hard?” questioned Murgatroyd.

She continued, “It’s about delivering that information along with something people want and crave: fun and engaging experiences that make them feel something… and inspire them to do something.”

Live Your Message is about creating authentic and iconic brands and websites for leading-edge clients, and training entrepreneurs who have a big message for the world how to build their own platform through online branding, marketing and storytelling.

Murgatroyd has now launched a new course about creating a new type of product called “Experience Products”, and is giving away free training manuals and a check list that will help product creators, and those who are still thinking about creating their own product, generate more engaging content and a more effective delivery system for that content through the creation of “Experience Products”.

When one invests to get a specific outcome or result, the most common reason they don’t achieve it isn’t because their material wasn’t good enough, it’s because they simply didn’t have the belief they could do it. This is where Live Your Message really differs in their platform and training.

“It’s my goal for this video series to help you create and deliver your first Experience Product in 8-weeks or less so you can 10x your sales and your clients’ results, while eliminating the need for the marketing you hate.

“And in 8 weeks start working with clients who are super excited, committed and motivated to take action, clients who happily pay you what you’re worth while thinking they got the better end of the deal… and clients who are achieving big results for themselves, thanking you for your support while referring their friends to you,” comments Murgatroyd on her website.

Live Your Message is the ‘Counter-Intuitive’ New Way People Are Creating Products that Get Huge Results while 10Xing their Income & Impact.


Contact Live Your Message:

Marisa Murgatroyd
11209 National Blvd. #199
Los Angeles, California 90064

ReleaseID: 60012064

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