Features Four Enduring Truths That Should Drive Your Marketing Plan By bTHORITY
July 10, 2015 – – bTHORITY Marketing, an online marketing company in San Mateo, CA, is very proud to announce that a recent article written by Robert Ferry, Client Success Officer at bTHORITY Marketing, has been featured on The article, Four Enduring Truths that Should Drive Your Marketing Plan, discusses four things that everyone should know if they want to be successful in their online marketing efforts. The article is structured to help more people achieve marketing success more easily.
“Having our article featured on is a real honor,” says Robert Ferry. “It demonstrates that the things we have been saying for some time now are real truths and that other people can actually benefit from this information. Hopefully, more online professionals will be able to understand just what is involved in marketing as a whole.”
The four truths are very clear. First, there are many different forms of online marketing and what matters is how effective the strategies actually are. Second, if businesses want to maintain a customer database, they have to have solid marketing strategies. The third truth is that marketing is very hard, albeit not impossible. Those who believe it is something that is ‘just done’ as a side thing to other areas of work will be in for a big disappointment.
“Too often, we see people who just don’t take marketing seriously and who think that it takes very little skills,” adds Robert Ferry. “The reality is, however, that marketing is very hard. It can be done, but only by those who have the skills and knowledge to do it, and who take the difficulties and importance of marketing seriously.”
The final truth according to bTHORITY Marketing is that people simply do not understand what the reality of effective modern online marketing actually is.
The article lists all these different truths, including the fact that online marketing takes many forms across all different platforms. bTHORITY hopes that, through this article, they’re able to increase awareness about what good marketing really looks like. For those interested in their services, bTHORITY asks that you contact them through their website.
Contact bTHORITY Marketing:
Robert Ferry
63 Bovet Rd # 202
San Mateo, CA 94402
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