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Metabolic Prime Review Reveals The New Roadmap to Fitness for People Over 35

Metabolic Prime helps increase a person’s strength and endurance. Dr. Jade Teta divulges how to use 45-second “Metabolic Micro-Bursts” movements to kick start the body’s metabolic rate.

San Francisco, CA, United States – March 6, 2016 /MarketersMedia/

Metabolic Prime stimulates muscle growth while increasing fat loss. The workout videos help people build lean muscle and maximize kilocalories burned with this 45 minute routine that incorporates interval training for a beginner-friendly workout. This system jump starts a person’s fat loss with the workout routine recommended inside it that also helps them build muscle. The program relies on the power of metabolic micro-bursts.

Dr. Jade Teta who happens to be a Biochemist has been acting as a personal trainer for over 25 years now. He has recently launched a fitness program named “Metabolic Prime” which claims to contain the world’s fastest workout. Dr. Jade in this program talks about the five key molecules or Metabolic Priming Activators that are genetic signaling agents for basic parts of a person’s metabolism.

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These 5 MPA’s are IL-15, Nitric Oxide, Lactic Acid, IL-6 and IL-8. IL-15 is one muscle molecule which has the unique action of stimulating muscle growth while increasing fat loss. Harnessing IL-15 should be a main goal of any individual wanting to change body composition. Another molecule, Nitric Oxide can help people take a load off unwanted weight by allowing them to exercise harder and longer as well as build muscle which will help them increase their fat burning power.

On the other hand, Lactic acid is one molecule which burns excess body fat. It’s production as a physical state following the first couple of minutes of vigorous exercise where blood falls flat to transport enough oxygen into working muscles to meet activity needs. In this state, people may feel gasping and their muscles will more than expected hurt.

[PDF Download] Click Here To Download Metabolic Prime PDF Guide by Dr. Jade Teta

Additionally, IL-6 is a signaling molecule released from muscle during exercise. It has been shown to act like a hormone and its job is to signal the muscle and brain about how to respond to intense exercises. Lastly, IL-8 is the creator of new young blood cells to carry nutriments and oxygen throughout a person’s body. Altogether these Metabolic Priming Activators are genetic signaling agents for basic parts of a person’s metabolism.

Metabolic Prime is divided into four phases. Phase one “AWAKEN” hinges on teaching a person’s body to re-activate the nervous system to drive muscles into action. The second phase “ENERGIZE” rewires a person’s metabolic rate to access and burn stored fuel in the form of fat and sugar.

The third phase “OVERLOAD” contains a fifteen minute workout which enables people to continue burning excess body fat even while they are at rest. The fourth and the last phase “MAX” contains particularly targeted motion to speed up the process. Moreover, Metabolic Prime contains a number of workout videos that help people build lean muscle, raise metabolic rate and maximize kilocalories burned with this 45 minute routine that incorporates interval training for a beginner-friendly workout.

For more information, please visit the official website here: www.metabolicprime.com

In addition to these workout video modules, people will receive a few other materials which they will find useful as they progress through each phase, the creator claims. “Super Simple Workout Calendar” can be used for people to plan monthly goals, workouts and training sessions. This calendar helps people track their workout progression every week and make necessary adjustments if unavoidable. More info can be found on the official website given above.

For more information about us, please visit http://thehealthdiaries.com/metabolicprime/

Contact Info:
Name: Dany Gon
Organization: MetabolismBoosterGuide

Source: http://marketersmedia.com/metabolic-prime-review-reveals-the-new-roadmap-to-fitness-for-people-over-35/100853

Release ID: 100853

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